Previously: The Screaming Tunnel Of Niagara Falls. Officially, the hollow is called Spring Valley County Park — but that’s not the name by which many locals of York County, Pa. know it. More Continue Reading > about Haunted Road Trip: The Hex Murder House, York County, Pennsylvania
Encyclopaedia Of The Impossible: The Jessica Phenomenon
Previously: Lucia Joaquin. (CW: Homicide, abuse, disturbing true crime and news stories.) Type: MP (Mysterious Principle). Period/location of origin: Unknown. Subject was first identified in Continue Reading > about Encyclopaedia Of The Impossible: The Jessica Phenomenon
The Unsolved Mysteries Of Halloween (Halloween 2017)
Previously: Strange and Unusual Haunts. (CW: Missing children, missing people, homicide, home invasion, etc.) When we think of Halloween these days, we tend to think of our seasonal spookiness Continue Reading > about The Unsolved Mysteries Of Halloween (Halloween 2017)
Creepy Wikipedia: Christine And Lea Papin, The Murderous Maids Of France
The truth often really is stranger than fiction, and the creepy parts of Wikipedia prove it. Weird history, scientific oddities, otherwise unclassifiable Things that you wouldn’t believe actually Continue Reading > about Creepy Wikipedia: Christine And Lea Papin, The Murderous Maids Of France
Haunted Road Trip: The Los Feliz Murder House, Los Angeles, California
Previously: Boy Scout Lane. All houses rumored to be haunted have one thing in common: A dark, tragic history. Sometimes, this “history” is nothing more than a fiction dreamed up after the fact to Continue Reading > about Haunted Road Trip: The Los Feliz Murder House, Los Angeles, California
Unresolved: The Town That Killed Ken McElroy
Previously: The Hinterkaifeck Murders. Ken Rex McElroy was not a nice man. Born in 1934 — the fifteenth of sixteen children — McElroy dropped out of school by the time he hit fifth grade and Continue Reading > about Unresolved: The Town That Killed Ken McElroy
Haunted Road Trip: The Villisca Axe Murder House
To be honest, I couldn’t really tell you whether I believe in ghosts; I probably won’t until I see first-hand proof for myself, but that’s never stopped me from reading up on as many “real life” ghost Continue Reading > about Haunted Road Trip: The Villisca Axe Murder House