Previously: The Red Piano. Type: PE (Preternatural Entity). Period/location of origin: Subject was first observed on Nov. 5, 2007 in the city of Fresno, California. It is not known whether Continue Reading > about Encyclopaedia Of The Impossible: The Fresno Nightcrawlers
Encyclopaedia Of The Impossible: The Dark Watchers, Or Los Vigilantes Obscuros
Previously: Gryla. Type: PE (Preternatural Entity). Period/location of origin: Subjects’ precise date of origin is unknown; they may date back many thousands of years, or they may have only Continue Reading > about Encyclopaedia Of The Impossible: The Dark Watchers, Or Los Vigilantes Obscuros
Haunted Road Trip: Peg Entwistle and the Hollywood Sign
Previously: The Sallie House. It’s a fixture of the landscape: 45 feet high and 350 long, stark white against the surrounding brush of Mount Lee, yet harmonious with the blue of the sky above it. Continue Reading > about Haunted Road Trip: Peg Entwistle and the Hollywood Sign
Abandoned: The Ghost Town Of Bodie, California (Photos)
Previously: Coco Palms Resort. In the low mountain range lying to the east of the Sierra Nevadas lies a town that, literally, time forgot. It’s called Bodie, California, and it’s a ghost town Continue Reading > about Abandoned: The Ghost Town Of Bodie, California (Photos)
Haunted Road Trip: The Los Feliz Murder House, Los Angeles, California
Previously: Boy Scout Lane. All houses rumored to be haunted have one thing in common: A dark, tragic history. Sometimes, this “history” is nothing more than a fiction dreamed up after the fact to Continue Reading > about Haunted Road Trip: The Los Feliz Murder House, Los Angeles, California
Haunted Road Trip: The Whaley House of San Diego, California
Previously: The Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel. Like many places believed to be haunted, the Whaley House of San Diego, California doesn’t look like much. Which isn’t to say it doesn’t hold a Continue Reading > about Haunted Road Trip: The Whaley House of San Diego, California
Haunted Road Trip: Old Hollywood and the Ghosts of the Roosevelt Hotel
Previously: Lake Shawnee Amusement Park. Like most of Hollywood, the Roosevelt Hotel is rife with ghost stories from the golden age of the silver screen. First opened in 1927, it played host to all Continue Reading > about Haunted Road Trip: Old Hollywood and the Ghosts of the Roosevelt Hotel
Encyclopaedia of the Impossible: The Mojave Phone Booth
Previously: The Well to Hell. Type: UCD (Unusual Communication Device) Period/location of origin: 1948, Mojave National Preserve, California. Appearance: Subject, known as the Mojave Continue Reading > about Encyclopaedia of the Impossible: The Mojave Phone Booth