Previously: “Ears.” In this week’s creepypasta, the eerie incompleteness of childhood memories meets a television program that shouldn’t exist — to terrifying results. Titled “The Children’s Continue Reading > about Creepypasta Of The Week: “The Children’s Show”
Old Things Made New: Horror Riffs & Re-imaginings To Read, Watch, And Play
Previously: Unconventional Indie Horror Games. Note: This post was originally published on April 29, 2019; I'm dusting it off, reworking it somewhat, adding some new additions, and republishing it Continue Reading > about Old Things Made New: Horror Riffs & Re-imaginings To Read, Watch, And Play
Creepypasta Of The Week: “After The Sign-Off”
Previously: "Cadi." The situation depicted in the creepypasta "After The Sign-Off" may be increasingly unfamiliar to readers these days; not only are we no longer accustomed to television channels Continue Reading > about Creepypasta Of The Week: “After The Sign-Off”
Investigating 618-625-8313: On ‘Stranger Things,’ ARG Trailheads, And Murray Bauman’s Phone Number
Previously: 999-9999. Warning! Here be spoilers for Stranger Things 3! In the months leading up to Stranger Things’ Season 3 debut, a full-blown marketing bonanza took over… well, pretty much Continue Reading > about Investigating 618-625-8313: On ‘Stranger Things,’ ARG Trailheads, And Murray Bauman’s Phone Number
If You Like The ‘Rabbits’ Podcast, You Might Also Like…
I remarked at the end of my... well, I'm not sure I'd call it a review, but let's go with that for now. Anyway, I remarked at the end of my review of the podcast Rabbits' first episode that Continue Reading > about If You Like The ‘Rabbits’ Podcast, You Might Also Like…
The Most Dangerous Games: Channel Infinity
Previously: Tomino's Hell. I’m honestly not sure where Channel Infinity comes from; it was first posted to the Creepypasta Wikia on March 2, 2014 by user Jett Cyber, but beyond that, I haven’t Continue Reading > about The Most Dangerous Games: Channel Infinity
Creepypasta of the Week: “Lost Episodes”
Previously: "Mereana Mordegard Gelsgorv." What if all those "lost" episodes of familiar television shows that pop up so frequently in creepypasta tales weren't just... "found?" What if they all Continue Reading > about Creepypasta of the Week: “Lost Episodes”
Creepypasta of the Week: “Where Bad Kids Go”
Previously: "The Zapata Letters." It's been a while since we've looked at a weird childhood memories/strange children's television show pasta, so let's dive back down that rabbit hole and see where Continue Reading > about Creepypasta of the Week: “Where Bad Kids Go”