When Squid Game debuted on Netflix earlier in September, no one really expected it to become as popular as it has. I mean, it’s truly terrific television, so in many ways, it’s understandable that it Continue Reading > about Please Don’t Call The ‘Squid Game’ Phone Number
Investigating 618-625-8313: On ‘Stranger Things,’ ARG Trailheads, And Murray Bauman’s Phone Number
Previously: 999-9999. Warning! Here be spoilers for Stranger Things 3! In the months leading up to Stranger Things’ Season 3 debut, a full-blown marketing bonanza took over… well, pretty much Continue Reading > about Investigating 618-625-8313: On ‘Stranger Things,’ ARG Trailheads, And Murray Bauman’s Phone Number
The Best Horror Movies on Netflix, October 2015 — And Why They’re Worth Your Time
Happy October, everyone! I’m still in the process of dealing with all that Major Life Stuff, so I may have to take off for a few weeks again in November — but it’s Halloween season, so obviously I Continue Reading > about The Best Horror Movies on Netflix, October 2015 — And Why They’re Worth Your Time