Previously: Mike The Headless Chicken. If you search for “Ong’s Hat” on Wikipedia, you’ll find not one, but two different articles. That’s because when we talk about Ong’s Hat, we talk about two Continue Reading > about Creepy Wikipedia: Ong’s Hat, New Jersey vs. Ong’s Hat And The Incunabula Papers
What Happened To Crow 64? Decoding The ‘Catastrophe Crow’ ARG & The N64 Game That Doesn’t Exist
Previously: "Internet Story" And The Horror Of Real Life. Every video game system and console has its fair share of unreleased, unfinished, and cancelled games. That’s just the way the proverbial Continue Reading > about What Happened To Crow 64? Decoding The ‘Catastrophe Crow’ ARG & The N64 Game That Doesn’t Exist
Investigating 618-625-8313: On ‘Stranger Things,’ ARG Trailheads, And Murray Bauman’s Phone Number
Previously: 999-9999. Warning! Here be spoilers for Stranger Things 3! In the months leading up to Stranger Things’ Season 3 debut, a full-blown marketing bonanza took over… well, pretty much Continue Reading > about Investigating 618-625-8313: On ‘Stranger Things,’ ARG Trailheads, And Murray Bauman’s Phone Number