Previously: What To Do On Halloween, 2019 Edition. If you, like myself, are currently stuck inside your home for the foreseeable future, you… might be starting to feel a little bit cooped up. So I Continue Reading > about Indoor Activities For Spooky People
armchair traveling
Legend Tripping: Urban Legend Locations Around The World You Can Find Right On Google Maps
Previously: Urban Legend Locations In The United States On Google Maps. So, hey, remember that time when I published a piece on urban legend locations in the United States you can find right on Continue Reading > about Legend Tripping: Urban Legend Locations Around The World You Can Find Right On Google Maps
Legend Tripping: Urban Legend Locations In the United States You Can Find Right On Google Maps
Previously: So, About That Time I Stayed Overnight In An Extremely Haunted House... These days, legend tripping — literally taking trips to investigate sites connected to urban legends, ghost Continue Reading > about Legend Tripping: Urban Legend Locations In the United States You Can Find Right On Google Maps
An Ode To The Travel Channel’s October Programming (Halloween 2018)
Previously: Creepy Phone Numbers That Actually Work. I haven’t had cable for more than five years now. I don’t really miss it; I was never much of a channel-surfer, and thanks to the internet, I Continue Reading > about An Ode To The Travel Channel’s October Programming (Halloween 2018)
The Best Creepy Podcasts On The Internet, February 2018 — And Why They’re Worth Your Time
Previously: The Best Creepy Podcasts On The Internet, January 2017. It’s been over a year since I last compiled a list of what I consider some of the best creepy podcasts on the internet, so Continue Reading > about The Best Creepy Podcasts On The Internet, February 2018 — And Why They’re Worth Your Time
Creepypasta of the Week: “Satellite Images”
Previously: "The Theater." Among the many truly astounding things the Internet lets us do is travel the world without leaving the comforts of our own homes. While armchair traveling has existed for Continue Reading > about Creepypasta of the Week: “Satellite Images”