Previously: Gankutsu Hotel, Japan. If you’ve ever wondered why there are so many creepypasta stories about alleged abandoned spaces in and around the Disney parks — well, there actually is a Continue Reading > about Abandoned: The Rise And Fall Of Discovery Island, Bay Lake, Walt Disney World
Haunted Road Trip: Bara-Hack, Pomfret’s Lost Village Of Voices, Connecticut
Previously: The Street With No Name, Australia. New England is full of historical remnants — old houses, former farms, and even full towns that still look as they did centuries ago. Many of them Continue Reading > about Haunted Road Trip: Bara-Hack, Pomfret’s Lost Village Of Voices, Connecticut
A Day Off And A Short Film
Hello, friends! It's a holiday where I am, so I'm taking the day off; we'll be back on Wednesday with a new Most Dangerous Game. Speaking of Most Dangerous Games, here's something to keep you Continue Reading > about A Day Off And A Short Film
Abandoned: Gankutsu Hotel, Yoshimi, Japan’s Unfinished Rock Cave Haikyo (Photos)
Previously: Winderbourne Mansion. Just north of Tokyo — about an hour away by car — lies Saitama Prefecture. Saitama has the fifth largest population by prefecture in Japan; however, outside the Continue Reading > about Abandoned: Gankutsu Hotel, Yoshimi, Japan’s Unfinished Rock Cave Haikyo (Photos)
Something To Tide You Over…
Hello, friends! Today is a holiday where I live, so I'm taking the day off to (hopefully, if the weather cooperates) sit on my back patio — which, several years after I moved in, finally has Continue Reading > about Something To Tide You Over…
Haunted Globetrotting: The Street With No Name And The Ghosts Of Jubilee Park, Sydney
Previously: Old Changi Hospital, Singapore. (CW: Child abduction, murder.) On the southern end of Sydney, Australia’s Jubilee Park, right on the border between the neighborhoods of Glebe and Continue Reading > about Haunted Globetrotting: The Street With No Name And The Ghosts Of Jubilee Park, Sydney
Unresolved: Masha, The Missing Girl In The Odessa Catacombs
Previously: The I-17 Mystery Christmas Tree. There’s a photograph that’s been passed around online for well over a decade now: A photograph of a bunch of young men — boys, really — in an Continue Reading > about Unresolved: Masha, The Missing Girl In The Odessa Catacombs
Abandoned: The Decaying Splendor Of Winderbourne Mansion, Boyds, Maryland
Previously: Fairfield State Hospital. Not too far away from Washington, D.C. lies Boyds, Maryland. An unincorporated community in Montgomery County, it was long known as a primarily rural area; Continue Reading > about Abandoned: The Decaying Splendor Of Winderbourne Mansion, Boyds, Maryland