Hello, friends!
It’s a holiday where I am, so I’m taking the day off; we’ll be back on Wednesday with a new Most Dangerous Game.
Speaking of Most Dangerous Games, here’s something to keep you occupied in the meantime: “Salt,” a short film that underlines exactly why so many ritual games utilize circles of salt as methods of protection. Directed by Rob Savage of Host fame, “Salt” is what he and co-created Jed Shepherd came up with when they decided to do a siege story — although it’s quite different from what you usually expect from a siege film. It’s not expressly inspired by the Midnight Game, but if you’ve ever had any questions about the role salt plays within that particular ritual game, or about or the opponent you face as you play — the Midnight Man — this film offers some possible answers.
It’s short — just two minutes — but an extremely tense two minutes. Watch it here.
See you in a few days. In the meantime… stay inside the circle.
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