Previously: The White Wall Game.
Have you ever wanted to meet an alternate universe version of yourself? If you have, good news: This ritual game teaches you how to meet yourself in a parallel world. It even lets you ask your other self a question — a single burning question: One to which you must know the answer.

Or at least, that’s what it claims to do. Whether it can actually succeed in its goals remains to be seen… and probably depends largely on your own personal beliefs about how this kind of things works (or doesn’t’).
I’ve only ever seen this one in place: A 2021 post on the Korean message board community Thredic. It reads more like an exercise in creative writing than anything else, which suggests to me that this might actually be the only version of it around — but it’s certainly an interesting read, so here, I’ve adapted it both in style (for fun) and format (for playability).
[Like what you read? Check out Dangerous Games To Play In The Dark, available from Chronicle Books now!]
Like Doors Of Your Mind, Red Door Yellow Door, In The Eye Of The Giant, and even Concentrate and Purple Hearts to some degree, the “How To Meet Yourself In A Parallel World” game is essentially a guided meditation. It requires two players: The one who’s taking the journey, and someone to guide them through it.
It also has a little bit in common with Channel Infinity, however. It’s perhaps not quite as transportive as that; Channel Infinity really is framed as if you’re going somewhere else, while this one generally sticks with the idea that it’s all happening inside your own mind. But then again, who says the inside of your own mind isn’t a parallel world?
It could be.
It just might take a little shift in perspective to see it.
In any event, this one is simple to start, but complex to make it through unscathed.
Good luck.
And, as always: Play at your own risk.
- One Jumper.
- One Guide.
- A dark, quiet room in which to play.
- A lantern, candle, nightlight, or other additional small light source. (Optional.)
- Anything you might need to stay comfortable for an extended period of time: Blankets; pillows; comfortable clothing; etc. (Optional.)
- A question you’d like to ask yourself.
The Preparations:
- Jumper: Once the game begins, you may not speak or verbally acknowledge the Guide’s instructions, or whether you have done as instructed. As such, before you begin, confer with the Guide about how you will indicate your acknowledgement of their instructions and whether or not you have performed them. Possibilities include, but are not limited to: Nodding or shaking your head; gesturing with your hand; etc.
- After the communication method has been determined, you may begin.
- Jumper and Guide: Enter the dark, quiet room together. Bring whatever additional supplies you have decided to use with you, if any. Close the door behind you.
- If the room has windows, close the curtains or otherwise cover the windows such that as little light as possible — ideally no light — is able to enter the room.
- Turn out the lights.
- If using the additional small light source, light it or turn it on.
- Jumper: Sit or lie down somewhere in the room. Get comfortable. Close your eyes.
- Guide: Also sit down somewhere in the room — ideally near the Jumper — and get comfortable. Do not lie down. Do not close your eyes.
- Jumper: Wait. Breathe. Prepare to listen. Keep your eyes closed.
- Guide: You must now begin to speak to the Jumper — to tell them a story. To, as your name suggests, guide them through a certain scenario. Your script may be found below; speak it aloud, and be certain to watch the Jumper carefully as you do. You must always allow them time to perform the actions you are asking of them. Do not continue until you have received the indication from them that they have done so.
- Jumper: Wait. Listen. In the physical world, keep your eyes closed. Inside your mind, open them. Inside your mind, do as the Guide instructs you for all that is to come.
The Journey:
- Guide: Your script is as follows:
“You are alone in a dark, empty room. Look around. Find where there is light — light which looks as though it is leaking from the edges of a doorframe. Look for the door. If you cannot find it, create one. Use your mind. Will the door into being.
Have you found the door?”
- Jumper: Indicate to the Guide when you have found or created the door.
- Guide: After you have received confirmation from the Jumper that they have located the door, continue the script as follows:
“Go to the door and place your hand on the doorknob. I will count to three; on three, open the door and pass through it.
When you pass through the door, you should find yourself by the sea, on a peaceful beach with no one else around.
Can you see the ocean?”
- Jumper: Indicate to the Guide when you see the ocean.
- Guide: After you have received confirmation from the Jumper that they see the ocean, continue the script as follows:
“Put your back to the ocean and face away from the water. Now, turn to your right and begin walking in that direction. As you walk, you will see a building. It may be a lighthouse; it may be a cabin; it may be a villa; it may be something else. Regardless as to the kind of structure the building appears to be, approach it.
Have you arrived at the front of the building?”
- Jumper: Indicate to the Guide when you have arrived at the front of the building.
- Guide: After you have received confirmation from the Jumper that they have arrived, continue the script as follows:
“Now, walk around the building in a counterclockwise direction, circling it in its entirety until you have returned to the front. Then walk around the building a second time. Then walk around the building a third time. When you have completed the third circuit, approach the front door of the building and place your hand on the doorknob.
I will count to three; on three, open the door and enter the building.
Inside the building, there is a small table just off to the side. On the table is a telephone.
Have you found the phone?”
- Jumper: Indicate to the Guide when you have found the telephone.
- Guide: After you have received confirmation from the Jumper that they have located the phone, continue the script as follows:
“Lift the receiver of the telephone and place it to your ear. Do you hear a dial tone?”
- Jumper: Indicate to the Guide whether you hear a dial tone.
- Here, the narrative branches. Guide, choose your script as the scenario dictates:
Branch 1: There Is No Dial Tone
- Guide: Continue the script as follows:
“There is no dial tone; therefore, you cannot meet yourself in this parallel world. Exit the building, face the entrance, and walk three times around the building in a clockwise direction. Now, create a state of darkness in your mind — a dark, empty room, like the one in which you began this journey. Once more, look for the light seeping in from the edges of a door. Find the door, and place your hand on the doorknob.
I will count to three; on three, open the door — and open your eyes.
- Jumper: Inside your mind, open the door. At the same time, in the physical world, open your eyes. For you, the ritual ends here. You may not have achieved success, but all is not lost. You may try again another time if you wish.
Branch 2: There Is A Dial Tone:
- Guide: Continue the script as follows:
“Using the telephone, dial the following number: 984674. Now, wait. Listen to the phone ring. Does anyone answer it?”
- Jumper: Indicate to the Guide whether someone has answered your call.
- Here, the narrative branches again. Guide, choose your script as the scenario dictates:
Branch 2A: Someone Answers:
- Guide: Continue the script as follows:
“Someone has answered the phone. Do NOT reply. Do not speak. Do not make any sound. Whoever answered is… not your parallel self. Proceed carefully. You are not safe.
Remain silent; calmly replace the receiver on the telephone’s cradle; and turn around. Find a way to access your building’s second floor and go to it. If the building is a single-story building, create a second floor. Use your mind. Will the second floor into being.
Have you reached the second floor?”
- Jumper: Indicate to the Guide when you have reached the second floor.
- Guide: After you have received confirmation from the Jumper that they have reached the second floor, continue the script as follows:
“Look around you. Look for an open door. If you see many doors, only one should be open; find it. If there is only a single door, observe it carefully; it should be open. Ignore any and all closed doors.
When you locate the open door, pass through it. Look around the room in which you now find yourself. There will be a wardrobe inside it. Approach the wardrobe and place your hand on the doorknob.
I will count to three; on three, open the wardrobe — and open your eyes.
- Jumper: Inside your mind, open the door. At the same time, in the physical world, open your eyes. For you, the ritual ends here. You have not achieved success. You may try again another time if you like — but tread carefully. It may prove dangerous for you.
Branch 2B: The Telephone Rings, Unanswered:
- Guide: Continue the script as follows:
“The telephone rings, and rings, and rings, but is not answered. Place the receiver back on the cradle; then, exit the building using the door through which you originally entered.
When you are back outside, there will be a road in front of you, and across the road, there is a new building. Cross the road, and approach the building.
Have you arrived at the front of the building?”
- Jumper: Indicate to the Guide when you have arrived at the front of the building.
- Guide: After you have received confirmation from the Jumper that they have arrived, continue the script as follows:
“Do not open the door to the building yet. Instead, find the doorbell; then ring it. Wait until a person answers the door and invites you inside.
This person is you.
This person is yourself.
This person is you, yourself, in a parallel world.
Follow the person inside.
Do not speak — not yet. Instead, use this time to think: Think carefully about the question you wish to ask this person. You may ask them one question, and one question only. Choose carefully.
The person will lead you to a place where you and they may sit together. Sit down. When you are both seated, ask your question.
Listen to the answer.
Listen carefully.
Have you received your answer?”
- Jumper: Indicate to the Guide when you have received an answer to your question.
- Guide: After you have received confirmation from the Jumper that they have asked their question and received an answer, continue the script as follows:
“After you receive your answer, bid this person farewell and return to the door of the building. Exit through this door, and retrace your steps back to the beach — back to the sea. When you can see the ocean again, find the footsteps in the sand marking where you walked when you first arrived here. Follow those footsteps.
Now, create once more a state of darkness in your mind — a dark, empty room — the dark empty room from which you departed on this journey. Once more, look for the light seeping in from the edges of a door. Find the door, and place your hand on the doorknob.
I will count to three; on three, open the door — and open your eyes.
- Jumper: Inside your mind, open the door. At the same time, in the physical world, open your eyes. Congratulations; you have successfully completed the ritual.
- Are you satisfied with what you have learned?
- Indicate whether you are satisfied.
- Good.
- Use your knowledge wisely.
Additional Notes:
This game need not be played at any specific time of day; however, playing at night may achieve best results, due primarily to the fact that it will be easier to achieve the required darkness conditions in your chosen playing space.
If using the additional small light source, choose something dim and diffuse, rather than bold and bright. The idea is to create a soothing atmosphere, not to completely dispel the darkness.
Should you choose to use a candle for your additional small light source, please take common sense fire safety precautions: Keep an operational fire extinguisher nearby throughout the duration of the game, remove anything flammable from the playing space, etc. We are not responsible for anything that may befall you as a result of playing this game.
Jumper: While you may visit this parallel world, you may not stay here. If you attempt to stay, you will be removed. (See also: Safeguards And Safety Procedures, “Administrator” or “Guardian.”)
Safeguards And Safety Procedures:
Jumper: It is possible that, despite the presence and aid of your Guide, you may encounter a disturbance, a disruption, or an interloper at any point during your journey. Should you encounter such a disturbance, disruption, or interloper, you may initiate any of the following procedures as needed at any point in the journey to return yourself to safety:
- If you encounter a figure who identifies themself as the “Administrator” or “Guardian”: Do not confront this figure or attempt to fight them. They will guide you to a door. Follow them where they guide you. When you reach the door, end the ritual by placing your hand on the doorknob, opening the door, and, in the physical world, opening your eyes.
- If you encounter a suspicious figure other than the “Administrator” or “Guardian”: Begin moving immediately. Put as much distance between you and the figure as possible, as quickly as you can. As you move, keep your wits about you, and observe your surroundings. Look for a small box. If you do not find one, create one — use your mind — will it into being. When you find the box, open it, and find inside a red object. Remove the red object from the box and throw it at the suspicious figure. This will buy you some time. Use that time to create a state of darkness in your mind — to bring yourself back to your dark, empty room — and find or create the light and the door. When you find the door, place your hand on the doorknob. Open the door, and, in the physical world, open your eyes.
- If you simply feel that something is “off,” or that the ritual is not going well in general: Return yourself to the dark, empty room in your mind; find or create your door—the door with light just visible at the edges of the frame; place your hand on the doorknob; and, at once, open the door, and open your eyes.
The Jumper need not wait for the Guide to initiate a safety procedure; you may initiate any of these safeguards yourself. If you can, though, indicate to the Guide that something is amiss.
Guide: If the Jumper ceases to indicate their acknowledgement and completion of your instructions, they are likely dealing with a disturbance, disruption, or interloper. Do NOT attempt to push through the ritual’s script while a disturbance is being navigated. Instead, abandon the script wherever you are and enact the following procedure, if you sense it is necessary:
- If you recognize that the Jumper is in danger: Hold the Jumper’s right hand with your own right hand, place your left hand on the Jumper’s forehead, and repeat aloud the following number three times: 476489. Then, pull the Jumper to bring them back through the door, and instruct them to open their eyes.
The Jumper must go through the door.
The Jumper must open their eyes.
Note, though, that if a safeguard or safety procedure is enacted, you will not be able to attempt this game again. Ever.
A Final Note:
DO NOT attempt to play this game without the use of a Guide.
If you do, you may become lost.
And if you become lost, you will have no one to help guide you home.
You may visit.
You may not stay.
You. May. Not. Stay.
Follow The Ghost In My Machine on Bluesky, Twitter @GhostMachine13, and Facebook @TheGhostInMyMachine. And for more games, don’t forget to check out Dangerous Games To Play In The Dark, available now from Chronicle Books!
[Photos via inesta44, qimono (1, 2), Laney5569, 3422763/Pixabay]
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