Previously: Summoning La Cegua.
Mirrors can serve a lot of different purposes in games of the Most Dangerous variety. Sure, they’ve obviously got reflective properties — but as this method for using a mirror as a window into another world shows, they can also make for effective portals.
I’ve seen this ritual in a few places, although I believe its first appearance on the internet was over at the r/ThreeKings subreddit under the name “Peekaboo” in 2012. There, Redditor u/brillyx noted that they had heard it from their friend, who they described as someone who often “reads books on dark magic and rituals”; I haven’t been able to determine whether that’s actually true or whether it’s a bit of fiction intended to give the ritual some extra oomph, though, so do with that what you will.
[Like what you read? Check out Dangerous Games To Play In The Dark, available from Chronicle Books now!]
In many ways, this one reminds me of the Elevator Game or Closet To Another World — although I think it might be a little less dangerous than either of those other games. Here, you’re not attempting to actually travel to the Otherworld; you’re just making a window so you can peek into it a bit.
Then again, maybe it’s not that much safer. Windows go both ways, after all.
As always, play at your own risk.
- One principal.
- A mirror. The mirror should be capable of standing up on its own without you holding it. See: Additional Notes.
- A table. See: Additional Notes.
- A chair (optional).
- Two candles.
- Matches or a lighter.
- A time-keeping device with an alarm.
- Salt (optional).
- A sheet or large piece of cloth (optional, but highly recommended. See: In The Event Of An Emergency).
- A dark, quiet room.
The Prelude:
- Begin at night.
- Go to your dark, quiet room. Bring your supplies.
- If there are windows, draw the curtains.
- Position the mirror so that it is standing upright near or on the center of the table. This will be your “window.” If the mirror has a stand, place it in the middle of the table; if the mirror is hanging on the wall, place the table so that it is directly below the mirror; if the mirror is part of a vanity table, the setup is already complete and there is no need to do anything else.
- If you are using a chair, place it in front of the table and mirror.
- Place the candles on the tabletop on either side of the mirror.
- Place the matches or lighter within easy reach.
- If you have chosen to include the salt and/or sheet, place them within easy reach.
- If the lights are on, turn them off.
- Leave the room.
- Set your alarm for 3:30am.
- Fill the time until 3:30am however you wish, but do not fail to obey the alarm when it rings.
The Main Event:
- When your alarm goes off, return to your dark, quiet room as quickly as possible. You have three minutes.
- If you have chosen to include the salt, take up a handful of it now. Do not let go of this handful of salt unless it becomes necessary to do so (see: Closing The Window). You have two minutes.
- Set your alarm again for 3:53 a.m. You have one minute.
- It is time. At 3:33am exactly, light the candles using the matches or lighter.
- NOTE: If you do not complete Steps 1 through 4 of The Main Event before 3:34, do not proceed. You may try again another day.
- If you are using a chair, you may sit. If you are not, remain standing.
- Close your eyes. DO NOT open them again until instructed to do so.
- Lean in.
- Closer.
- Closer still. Lean in until your face is almost — but not quite — touching the mirror “window.” Do NOT touch the surface of the mirror.
- Keep your eyes shut, and let your mind… go.
- Look around. (Do not open your eyes.)
- What do you see? (Your eyes should still be closed.)
- Enjoy the sights — or don’t. But whatever you do, do it carefully. (Keep your eyes closed.)
- When your alarm goes off, it is time to close the “window.”
Closing The Window:
- To close the “window”:
- Keep your eyes shut and back as far away from the table and mirror as you can. Then, and only then, open your eyes.
- OR: Keep your eyes shut, back away from the table and mirror, and turn on the lights. Then, and only then, open your eyes.
- OR: Keep your eyes shut and back away from the table and mirror. The moment you open your eyes, throw your handful of salt at the mirror.
- When the “window” has been closed, extinguish the candles.
- Be careful using this mirror in the future.
Additional Notes:
Concerning the mirror:
- The only requirement is that it be able to stand upright on its own. If the mirror has a stand, that is acceptable. If the mirror hangs on the wall, that is acceptable. If the mirror is attached to a vanity, that is acceptable. A bathroom mirror may also be acceptable; however, it is NOT recommended that you use a bathroom mirror if it is permanently affixed to the wall. (See: In The Event Of An Emergency.)
- Do not use a hand mirror.
Concerning the table:
- The “table” need not necessarily be an actual table. If the mirror is attached to a vanity, the vanity’s surface functions adequately as a table. If the mirror is a bathroom mirror, the countertop beneath it functions adequately as a table. Regardless as to what specifically you choose to use as a “table,” however, it should be sturdy enough to hold two lit candles without fear of creating a fire hazard.
Concerning the dark, quiet room:
- It is not recommended that you use your bedroom.
Concerning Emergencies:
Touching the surface of the mirror at any point in The Main Event or Closing The Window constitutes an emergency.
Opening your eyes in any capacity and at any point prior to the instructions detailed in Closing The Window constitutes an emergency.
Continuing to look into the “window” past the second alarm — that is, for longer than 20 minutes — constitutes an emergency.
Opening your eyes at the correct moment during Closing The Window and seeing something in the mirror that should not be there constitutes an emergency.
In The Event Of An Emergency:
Should an emergency occur, cover the mirror with the sheet immediately, remove it from the premises, and destroy it as completely as possible. Do not allow any piece of the mirror to return to your home.
Windows can very easily become doors, you know.
Please don’t copy or republish this post on other sites. Linking to it or sharing the URL is fine (and encouraged!), as is writing your own unique version of the game, but copying/pasting, republishing, or otherwise reproducing the text of this piece in its entirety or near-entirety on other websites without permission isn’t.
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[Photo via Matt Artz/Unsplash]