Previously: The Dead Poet’s Game.
For an updated deep dive into the Elevator Game, aka Elevator To Another World, find more about the legend’s history here.
Elevator to Another World, known colloquially as the Elevator Game, proliferated widely in the early 2010s on a Korean website that some in the West may also recognize as the source of a particular comic that pops up every few months or so on sites like Reddit. A few years earlier, though — around 2008 — it had arrived online via 2ch in Japan; and, by about 2011, it had also started working its way across the internet rendered in English by a few intrepid translators.
Most of the early English versions of the Elevator Game are either direct translations of the Japanese version — which is pretty sparse in its details — or simply summaries of it, which tend to be even more sparse. Working off of a couple of rough English translations, along with a few of the older Japanese and Korean versions, I’ve tried to tease out a clearer set of rules and instructions for the Elevator Game here — one which you could, hypothetically, play, if you were so inclined.
(Update for 2021: For a fresh look at the rules for the Elevator Game, head here.)
[Like what you read? Check out Dangerous Games To Play In The Dark, available from Chronicle Books now!]
It’s unclear whether the Otherworld to which the elevator delivers you is what’s sometimes referred to on Reddit as the “Shadowside,” or whether it’s something else. Regardless as to what it may or may not be, however, as always… play at your own risk.
- 1 principal
- 1 building, at least 10 stories high, with an elevator. All three of these conditions must be met in order for the game to proceed.
Venturing Out:
- Enter your chosen building and get into the elevator on the first floor alone. Do not proceed if anyone else is in the elevator with you.
- Press the button for the fourth floor.
- When the elevator reaches the fourth floor, do not get out. Instead, remain in the elevator and press the button for the second floor.
- When you reach the second floor, remain in the elevator and press the button for the sixth floor.
- When you reach the sixth floor, remain in the elevator and press the button for the second floor.
- When you reach the second floor, remain in the elevator and press the button for the tenth floor.
- When you reach the tenth floor, remain in the elevator and press the button for the fifth floor.
- When you reach the fifth floor, a young woman may enter the elevator. Do not look at her; do not speak to her. She is not what she seems.
- Press the button for the first floor. If the elevator begins ascending to the tenth floor instead of descending to the first, you may proceed. If the elevator descends to the first floor, exit as soon as the doors open. Do not look back. Do not speak.
- If you reach the tenth floor, you may either choose to get off the elevator or to stay on it. If you choose to get off, and if the woman entered the elevator on the fifth floor, she will ask you, “Where are you going?” Do NOT answer her. Do NOT look at her.
- You will know whether you have arrived at the Otherworld by one indication, and one indication only: The only person present in it is you.
The Return Trip:
If you chose to stay on the elevator at the tenth floor:
- Press the button for the first floor. If it doesn’t work, keep pressing it until it finally does.
- When the elevator reaches the first floor, exit as soon as the doors open. Do not look back. Do not speak.
If you choose to exit the elevator at the tenth floor:
- You must use the same elevator to return as the one in which you arrived.
- When you enter the elevator, press the buttons in the same order you did in steps 2 through 8 of Venturing Out. You should finish at the fifth floor.
- When you reach the fifth floor, press the button for the first floor. The elevator will again begin to ascend to the tenth floor. Press any other floor’s button to cancel the ascension. You MUST press the button you use to cancel the ascension BEFORE you reach the tenth floor.
- After you reach the first floor, check your surroundings carefully. If anything seems off—even the smallest detail—do NOT exit the elevator. If you detect something wrong, repeat step 2 until your surroundings look as they should. Once you are confident you have returned to your own world, you may safely exit the elevator.
Additional Notes:
- Should you reach the Otherworld, the floor onto which you will emerge will look almost identical to the one from your own world, save for two things: All the lights will be off, and the only thing you will be able to see from the windows is a red cross in the distance.
- Some say that electronic devices—mobile phones, cameras, MP3 players, etc.—don’t work in the Otherworld; others say they do.
- Getting back to your own world may be more difficult than it seems: You may become disoriented and forget which elevator in which you arrived; the elevator may seem to get further and further away from you as you walk towards; and so on. Be vigilant, and keep your wits about you.
- If at any point during the ritual you faint, pass out, or otherwise lose consciousness, you will likely wake up in your own home. However, be sure to carefully examine your surroundings upon waking—the “home” to which you have been returned may not be the one you left when you first set out to attempt this ritual.
Concerning the Woman on the Fifth Floor:
Do NOT speak to her.
Do NOT look at her.
If you do, she may decide to keep you for her own.
Elevator to Another World: FAQ.
This version of this urban legend game was researched and written specifically for The Ghost In My Machine. Please don’t copy or republish this post on other sites. Linking to it or sharing the URL is fine (and encouraged!), as is writing your own unique version of the game, but copying/pasting, republishing, or otherwise reproducing the text of this piece in its entirety or near-entirety on other websites without permission isn’t.
Follow The Ghost In My Machine on Twitter @GhostMachine13 and on Facebook @TheGhostInMyMachine. And don’t forget to check out Dangerous Games To Play In The Dark, available now from Chronicle Books!
I’ve seen many religious symbols in the sky through a window, is this the right result?
If you even manage to find stuff that you can easily “carry”, can you bring stuff/items in the real world. Even if you can, will there be consequences/bad luck or something?
Anything you carry from the real world can affect you in possitive or negative ways. If you try to defend your self and bring, let say a knive, something in the otherworld can potentialy use this against you. Even if you place pencil in the floor so you know which elevator you’ll take later, it can used against you. So, be careful of what you bring to there.
So electronic devices don’t work, but would a crank-powered camera work there?
Lucia, I have a question: what would possibly happen if a person would brought a card and a pen and instead of talking to the woman while she asks “where are you going,” one would write a response and give her without looking, talking, or touching her? Would that be considered as breaking the rules or what?
Can you prevent the elevator girl from coming into the elevator when you reached the 10th floor. What I mean is as soon as you reached the fifth floor can you close the elevator door immediatly and press the button for the first floor immediatly right after as soon as you shut the elevator door to prevent the girl from coming in. Might be interesting to try that to see it you could prevent the girl from coming in if you’re to scare to deal with her while playing this game. Can someone answer this question if they have knowledge on this or have done it before.
Oh yea, I made a mistake in the first sentence btw. I did not mean the 10th floor; I meant the 5th floor. Just letting you know my mistake and what I actually am trying to say in the first sentence BTW.
Some questions; 1. When we say 1st floor, we mean the floor from which we enter the building? Or should we ascend one floor, and then begin the ritual?
2. What happens when, during the return to our dimension the elevator you’re on the fifth floor begins to ascend again to the tenth floor?
i) if you don’t press a button on time and the floor ascends to the tenth, you’re screwed?
ii) if you indeed succeed in stopping the elevator, what should you do next? Press the button for 1st floor?
time, matter, space, reality, and the normal rules of existence are all warped and folded in that dimension
I doubt she was trying to play the game, having gotten on at the 5th floor instead of the first. I just don’t get why she would want to get onto an elevator that she had been told was acting up. Risk taker, I guess. I was creeped out enough that I didn’t want back on there, that’s for sure. I figured taking a flight of stairs once in a while never hurt anyone LOL.
Today I performed the ritual in one of the blocks. Unfortenately it didn’t work. Maybe because I did it during the day and weather was good and quite some people used the elevator before – I don’t know. I did 0-3-1-5-1-9-4-0. But when I hit button for 4th floor(woman comes in) I felt my heart pounding as crazy and wanting to jump out of my chest. Almost immediately I hit 0 floor. I will perform the ritual again but in different block. No one came in during me going up & down.
Wondering if it’s possible to…interfere with someone’s trip back or something. I don’t really buy in to things like this but about 10 years ago I was at a hotel at a conference and got into the elevator to go see a new friend who was staying on the 4th floor. I was staying on the 9th floor. The elevator just sort of went crazy. It went up a ways, didn’t open, went down a ways, didn’t open, did that a few other times. In the process I made up my mind I was getting out of that thing the moment the doors finally did open regardless where I was. I didn’t keep track of the floors it didn’t open on, but when the door finally did open, I talked to somebody, who did happen to be a woman, told her something like “this elevator is being crazy right now you might not want to use it” and if I recall correctly she said something like “yeah I know” or “I heard that was happening with some of them” and, as far as I know, got on anyway. I realized at some point in this process, though I don’t recall when, that I did happen to be on the 5th floor. I had heard nothing of all this at that time so wasn’t particularly spooked, just weirded out. I took the stairs from there down to 4, not wanting any more weird rides. I seem to be unaffected, though.
Well that certainly is creepy. To answer your question, i personally don’t think you can interfere with someone’s ritual. If the woman you spoke of intended to play the game correctly, ( if she was in fact playing the game,) she would have completely ignored you. Judging by your username, you are female. So her ignoring you would make perfect sense. Hoped this theory makes sense and maybe helped! 🙂
i dont know myself much but i have had only paranormal dreams. even i believe im crazy but i want to do this ritual and facing the woman. i might die but i think i can take her on. there is nothing in this world that scares me. i been forced to face all my fears. im ready to take the challenge
What if you chose to leave the elevator, but never get back on?
In Otherworlds and never come back? You might get stuck OP.
Do you have to play the game in a building, can you play it in a ship?
If the ship you speak of has an elevator, I don’t see why not.
The rules don’t say you can’t, sooo…. go for it. 😉
I tried it, and i didn’t see any cross or any lights out, no girls came so just went back. I did it to prove to my friends that it wasn’t real. So don’t worry it’s not real. still fun to read tho
How were the floors named in your elevator and on which floor you started?
So if I were to try this and look at the woman but, not talk what would happen?
Talking to her, looking at her, touching her and even thinking too much about her – it’s all considered breaking the rule of not acknowledging her. You don’t know who she is and what she wants and what is she cabable to do to you and your surroundigs. In the world of occult the eyesight is huge power and demons – in whatever form – may get control over you if you gonna look at them ESPECIALLY if you gonna look into their eyes. They may even use your own energy to kill you. So make yourself a favor and do not acknowledge her for your own good.
What if a man entered on the tenth floor?
(I mean, I tried it but it is not true. Many people entered on the tenth floor, like kids and women!)
What was the floors numbered in elevator? 1-2-3 or rather 0-1-2? And in which hours you tried it?
ᗯᕼᗩT ᕼᗩᑭᑭEᑎᔕ Iᖴ YOᑌ ᔕTᗩY Iᑎ TᕼE EᒪEᐯᗩTOᖇ?
You know, there is a film about this….
They say that if you open your eyes she will make your eyes red and kill people but when one person is about to kill the person who has the red eyes she will turn you back to normal… and you die because the person who was about to kill you she was to close and you die.
мне страшно. Хотелось бы попробовать, но у меня нет 10-этажного здания. (I’m from Russia)
Is there made a movie about this game? If so, what is it called?
I tried this and I saw the woman! When the elavator went to the 10th floor, I got off really quick. She asked where I was going. But I didn’t answer.
When I got home, my furniture was everywhere and was broken. Is that a bad sign? If so, should I move?
what happens if you go back to the tenth floor?
I personally think the lack of 4 floor came from China.
“Tứ” is “4” in China.
“Tử” is “death” in China.
That connects their meanings in China’s culture.
sorry for mah bad English LOL
Will do it in the next 10min. With two friends
I’m actually not from the Otherworld. I’m a spirit looking to misguide any fool to another world.
I live on a 13th floor building and buildings around me are mostly either 9 or 10+ floors. Will it work the way I want if it is not just 10 floors?
Is it real? I want to try this ritual.
I have 4 questions:
1. Does the woman have to enter the elevator in the 5th floor in order for you to acsend to the 10th? Or can that happen even without her?
2. How does the woman “keep you as her own?” Trap you in the “other world”? Possess you? Haunt you? Other?
3. Can someone come rescue or save you? Or will they go to their own personal 10th floor/other world?
4. If you pass out and wake up at home will you still be all alone in the other world? Or will people be there and things are just different? Do you have to go back to the elevator and follow the steps to return or are you simply stuck? What if the elevator in your new world doesn’t exist anymore? Can that happen?
see, this is why I am never ever ever doing this ever in my life.
there is no chance in hell I am risking being trapped in some sort of hellscape with no knowing if I’ll be able to get back or if I’ll even survive this new world.
It’s impossible to play in big and huge cities… People are ALWAYS awake and taking the damn elevator, especially if the building they live in has 10 floors or more. Night time’s no better when some do work then too.
In towns and smaller living urban&rural places, well… In my small country no option for playing that game either… Unless I build myself such building with elevator and lock all the doors. Idk.
Pity. I really wish I could play it and get lost somewhere else.
I’m going to a large hotel in Atlanta in a couple of weeks. I’ll make a video of me trying it.
I’d say I don’t believe in those things, but I would NEVER play that game. The simple idea of it scares me a lot. I’m not sure if evil spirits are real or not, just a human invention, but I’m not gonna try to find out, you know. The same with ouija and that stuff. If my friends wanted to play ouija I would run away as far as possible from them lol
Lo que hace la gente para atraer la atención…. De parguelas.
it works with 2 people.
What happened?
I would never do that!!
wait, if you do it with more than one person, but you take a different elevators in the same building, will you eventually meet them in the Other World?
Possibly, but I think that the other world is different for everyone.
On the FAQ it said that staying in the Other World was dangerous? What could be so dangerous about it? The Other World is a place where only you exist; therefore, no creature with a consciousness would hurt you. is the climate different? Are natural disasters more common in the Other World? Does the Other World somehow have an effect on foreign objects/bodies?
I understand, of course, if this question cannot be given a full or correct answer.
The way that I heard it is because it’s so empty. If you’re trapped there, there’s no food, no water- no anything. Also, it’s an imperfect reality, and that makes the dimension itself dangerous in long periods of time.
The Otherworld is a world for souls, spirits, and demons. That’s what makes it dangerous. What if the Stranger (from the Stranger Ritual) just chases you from there?
What if you wanted to stay in that other world? Are there any consequences? Or is it unknown and will never be known because no one ever came back?
What if the building you want to use doesn’t start on floor “1” but floor “L”, the lobby, and goes up to floor “9”? And you don’t have the option of finding another building. Could you use floor “L” as floor “1”? and floor “9” as floor “10”? or do they have to have those specific numbers?
If while I accidentally caught looking at her, how’s she going to treat me? Just in case for the worst of the worst case.
she’ll probably take you for her own or some shit ?
Lol. This is both creepy and funny.
I played I’m learning my lesson and as y’all say “she” (IT) has not gone away. It’s annoying but you can live with what comes back if you make mistakes. Don’t panic if you do mess up. Think it through and proceed carefully. Get out and don’t go back.
Can you please describe more details about your experience? I’m very curious because I planned to do this and it would be nice to know what I can expect and what can wait for me there. Also, what do you mean that she has not gone away? Is she stalking you?
Will the lady be in the elevator after we reenter it from the Otherworld?
What happens if you get stuck in the elevator at any point during the game?
All answers to two questions:
1. Nope.
2. Then you’re doomed.
Nope. She got out, maybe.
So has anyone actually tried this with a scientific mindset to prove this wrong?
If you happen to visit this other world can you leave the building and explore…? I don’t have access to a 10 story building just wondering if there are any theories on this.
something is very off here… last time I read this article, the returning required a reverse order..lik:1-5-10-2-6-2-4-1..what happened with that version..I think I read that here o.O
same here Zoe!!
I’m loading this on my phone, and going to use my phone to play this game in the elevator . using the recorder and see what happens . Wish me luck people.//////////////////////////////////////////////
Good luck and keep us updated !
Have you played Donnie? What happened?
Good luck
also if anyone knows what the “WOMAN” is if its satan death the reaper the devil whatever it is please tell me and half of me wants to say Hey its blooming real the other half says nope its all a load of crud so if you COULD post a video of YOU going there that would be great for all of us i do kind of belive but my mum says its all BS and that its not real i told her about Elisa’s death she still says no i dont know why:[
probaly not as the other guy said things in HELL can’t be affected by EARTH items so no music 4 u
I am wondering, is it okay to use a phone to see the steps, or no?
I can’t see any problem in that
They might not work on the Otherworld, so the better thing to do is to copy the steps on a piece of paper and if you play the game, bring the paper with you. That way you can go back from the freaking Otherworld easily (except if you’re trapped in there)
Also some safety precautions Lucia forgot to put in the game:
1. The woman, is a mistress of disguises, so she might disguise as a friend of yours to lure you into talking to her, she may say that it is safe. Whatever you do, don’t speak to her.
2. You may not know what to expect in the Otherworld. Be prepared for a great scare.
3. If you passed out, fainted, etc, and woke up to notice something is wrong, first, consider the surroundings carefully. For example, if your home is almost being finished painted, and it was painted orange, and you saw it was a complete orange, don’t worry, some things may happen while you play the game. If not, get to the elevator as quickly as possible and go back to your own world as possible.
4. To abort the ritual, get out in a random floor, say, fourth floor, and don’t look back.
Hope this helps!
PS: Sorry for saying bad things about Lucia, but she just forgot to say these kinds of precautions.
Good luck in playing the game!
Who made this game?
What if you pass out and you wake up and notice something is wrong with your surroundings, what do you do after that?
Get back to the elevator as soon as possible, you may be in the other world. But i’m not really sure.
Hey, assuming this is arranged for Americans?
‘Cause in New Zealand the floor of the building that you walk into off the street is called the ground floor, not the first floor. Is it the numbers or the actual physical level that is important?
It’s the same thing, I think
Can I bring my phone and headphone? so I can listen music while doing this?
Of course you can, but no one can say what to expect.
You can bring your phone and headphones 🙂
But they won’t work.
Have you done this ritual? If not, how do you know?
Some people say they do.
I think you can. However, although the music can help distract you from the fear, you will be less alert on your surrounding.
No one knows. 🙂
I read this few monthes ago and I immediately decided to try this one.I like this kind of scary crazy shit,so I told my friends and we did it together multiple times.
At first me and my friend did it and we were scared shitless. No one came on the 5th floor, but some strange phenomenon occurred. After we got on the fifth floor I was disappointed, but there was still hope, so when I pressed button for 1st floor hoping to get above the 5th floor(or at least to get below it) Suddenly elevator door closed and nothing happened. We were stuck.We did get out of there easily,but this really scared crap out of us.Than I tried it for second time,third time,fourth time,but again with my friend(s). All of the time different strange occurrences were spotted. Than finally I built up my courage and tried it by myself only(It really was not that big of a deal…It was 5th time after all). Nothing happened. Completely Nothing. Not even tiny strange thing. Someone said that if you want to succeed in this you must try it after the dusk. So I’m gonna give this a try again one last time. Gonna keep you updated.
I read the FAQ for this. Turns out, you’re not safe in Otherworld; not for one second. But that brings up questions: Why are you not safe? Is there “things” coming for you? And, my favorite question: Should you carry a weapon when preforming this (gun, knife, etc….), to ensure your safety if things take a turn for the worst in Otherworld?
Because you’re entering hell.
Because you’ve entered hell.
I don’t see why not.
For my experiences, Things in other planes can’t be affected by normal means, such as a gun or whatever. in other words ‘things in the shadow realm can usually only be affected by things in the shadow realm, but you are in their realm so they can affect you.’
Don’t take my word as law though
You need either Dragonstone blade or Valerian steel. You will be fine if you have one of those with you.
A ritual to basically enter a Silent Hill game? Not too keen on that.
What happens if I try this with one of my friends? (Both inside the elevator)
It won’t work.
In some versions, they say you actually can do that.
What do I do if it stops at a different floor in the middle, say floor three, and people get on? Is the game finished then? Do I need to do anything special?
Normal people get in while you attempting ritual? Then you failed. Try playing it at midnight or so. Then no one comes in the room.
Unless it’s a security ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
The game’s finished. No biggie. Try again another time.
No one must enter during the whole game if not you have to repeat it again and no one meaning people from this world
Has anyone thought about a possible connection between this ritual / game and the mysterious death of Elisa Lam?
I was thinking about this for a while actually, but after watching the video a few times Elisa’s behavior isn’t consistent to what you have to do for this game. In the beginning of the video where Elisa first walks in, she doesn’t press the button to the fourth floor like the instructions say, but instead presses four buttons in order. She also doesn’t go to multiple floors like what instructions 1-7 say, but just starts acting strangely on the same floor she enters at. But I feel like it is possible she read this game but misread/interpreted the instructions.
She may have been in the otherworld, trying to get out with no success. This would explain why the elevator door was open for so long, why she pressed buttons, and why she was continuously walking in and out the elevator, looking around the hallways. I think she may have even gotten posessed by the woman for looking at it/talking with it. She may have “kept her for her own” and drowned her? Also her being posessed would explain how she had the power to remove and put the lid back on the water tank. Obviously cameras weren’t able to record the otherworld, so she just seems weird. But I think this would be reasonable.
Also notice how after Elisa Lam leaves the elevator that the doors don’t close? They simply remain open until she gets back inside.
This is other precautions I’ve read:
1) if someone who isn’t the woman or is someone you think you know DO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE THEM. The woman has been known to disguise herself in an attempt to trap players by making them think they should stop the ritual, that it’s safe to leave before it actually is, or that it’s safe to talk to her.
2) it’s not advisable to use an elevator with reflective surroundings as it’s easier to accidentally acknowledge her presence. If you must use one, focus entirely on the buttons and do not glance elsewhere even for a second.
3) if you decide to leave the elevator once in the Otherworld, as well as asking where you are going the woman may shriek at you in an attempt to scare you into acknowledging her (looking back in fear/making a noise). Be sure you don’t do this.
Have any of you heard of Elisa Lam? She displayed odd behaviour on cctv in an elevator shortly before disappearing and mysteriously showing up dead where it was near enough impossible for her to be. One speculation is that she was playing this game as she can be seen talking to someone who isn’t there.
Please please please exercise caution when playing this.
The craziest thing about the Elisa Lam case is this weird coincidence-
It isn’t linked with her death. If she died in the otherworld it would be impossible for someone to find her. It doesn’t add up with the rules and guidelines of the ritual
I did this and the elevator stayed stuck on the 6th floor I got scared and went back to the 1st
I would possibly try this on Halloween. This is the time of year when the veil between the real world and shadow world is at it’s thinnest.
Also, try a building located on a charged ley line.
The famous museum in Paris mentioned in the Davinci Code is located directly on the rose line. I wonder if it has 10 floors and an elevator.
Washington, DC also is situated on some pretty interesting ley lines.
Also, there’s an additional step not mentioned above. Apparently, you have to have salt water in your mouth as you attempt this ritual.
eww, that would be sour
The tallest building in my town is an apartment which is impossible to enter without permission (cause i’m not living in an elevator) and an office which I bet it’s illegal to do such thing there
Well actually it could help cause demons are vulnerable to salt
But still she isn’t what she seems
I will get you one day affable goose and you will perish
You will not escape that place ever again just waiting for you to come But still I will find ya
I want to try, But If I did I would probably start panicking and forgetting what to do if the woman actually came in… I would be so terrified…
Hi guys a quick question for “venturing out”:
Can the woman enter the otherworld after I leave the 10th floor? Because the world only has me in it, so I am assuming there is like some “barrier” between the elevator and the otherworld? In that case what would happen if I turn around after exiting the elevator at the 10th floor and then reply her question? Can someone help me try it out because I am quite afraid to do it myself, I don’t really want to die, the last time I tried the elevator ritual I nearly passed out but thankfully made it back from the otherworld, thanks!
Also what happens if you exit the elevator if the smallest detail seems off?
Then it means you actually exit the Other World. So, you failed to return to the normal world.
But i’m not a 100% sure.
I think that means you’re in the other world and need to get back to get back to the elevator as fast as possible. That or the woman has taken you for her own…But i’m not really sure this is just my 2 cents
I assume that you are forever trapped in the other world.
What happens if you look at or speak to the woman?
She will keep you as her own.
Then she may decide to keep you as her own.
Will the lady kill you if you speak or look at her?
no, but she may decide to keep you for her own…creepy
Yeah, most likely kill, posses or catch in otherworlds for ever. Did You read experiences of people attempting this ritual? There you are: , , , ,
And If You want some more let me know, I have found a few other stories.
I’d like to point out that the the no sleep Reddit looks like it`s just a place to post stories rather than actual events so the posts on there probably aren’t too reliable, it’s always really annoying trying to find people who have actually performed these types of rituals online since there’s so many creepypastas.
Fully convinced no matter if you’re in another dimension you can still get on Reddit.
Hi, can I have more stories? Thank you
Hi Sebastian, there You have it:
– this one is a thread on Three kings where someone asked if it ever worked and there is interesing comment of user called dman19910608 that you possibly want to read.
– this is video of guy, who swear that he performed this ritual, but on his channel there is another video recorded by his friend, where he says that he(guy who performed the ritual) killed himself by jumping from the bridge. And there is a comment of user Dave Pants where he says about he’s friend performing this ritual and that he a nervous breakdown and he killed himself.
– this is one of the posts that I found on facebook about some people in same elevator by accident founded themself in red sky world(otherworld)
-this one is one of the latest experiences I found.
-this one also
and this.
7.,, be bad order, sorry for that)
These discussions are not about elevator ritual but something similar (I call it The cave ritual).
– some more and less discussions about this ritual.
-in this discussion one guy swear that he made pictures of the otherworld, but they are in bad resolution.
someone who also by accident founded himself in otherworlds.
I think this one is fake, but still worth read.
I hope you enjoyed this and have a nice read!
Ps. If i’m gonna found more of these experiences I will let you know.
Setting: at midnight in a random building.
I went with my friends and i decided to man up and do it since they all couldnt handle going further after the second step. They waited for me down as i went up the elevator.
I did exactly the steps. I didnt get to see any girl come in at any stage of the game. However at the 5th floor i heard someone moving at that floor, i exactly heard some plastic bags being moved. I quickly close the door and press the first floor as i was scared shitless at that point and then after reaching the 1st floor i rush over to my friends as i see the relief ontheir faces and told them ill never do dumb shit again.
To me that ritual felt pretty fake its all psychological in my opinion. Really a thriller if youre that type of person but nothing too serious.
Just a way of playing with the mind. A hypothetical concept, clever people can use this story to scare light hearted folks 😀 :D. Its written in the sense that will terrify you out of your wits
I mean, I can translate the rest of the Korean post. But I’d recommend you not to look too much into this. There’s also several more warnings that are absolutely crucial. If you happen to read this comment, please add these;
1. You must not, in any case, attempt this too many times. This makes you susceptible to accidental ‘slipping’ through the worlds.
2. If you do not get out of the elevator on the 10th floor, or if the woman does not get in, you should head straight back down to the 1st floor.
3. Sometimes, when you’re coming back, the elevator goes back up instead of down. You have to cancel the ascension by pressing any. button. between your current floor and the 10th and get off. The other is pulling you.
4. If you faint in the other and find yourself back in your world- be careful. You can be pulled there and back at any given moment. This also happens to people with susceptible souls- or 기 in Korean.
5. There’s also several other, simpler ways to do this- if wanted, I can translate the rest of these for you.
For No. 3 what if you don’t cancel the ascension?
I assume you’re pulled unwillingly into the other- for good.
Yes please
Does it say anything about the origins of the ritual?
Yes please, translate the rest 🙂 I really want to do this… Some part of me doesn’t believe that this actually works, and the other part of me is afraid that something goes wrong.
The rest.. the other alternatives.. aren’t really recommendable. Most of them are mostly irrevocable. By that, I mean that there’s no way to return. There’s three alternatives; one uses a bathroom, the second uses a set of stairs in a school, and the third uses salt water and an elevator. Whatever you do, I’m just saying; even if it doesn’t work, it carries a great deal of risk. I wouldn’t recommend it. Just… do something low-risk. This one’s not even verified; no point in making yourself noticed if there’s no obvious result.
What if you play with other people? Like two people in the elevator, would it still work? Or would nothing happen?
Probably nothing will happen. See, there’s also a mention of how the ritual can be interrupted by someone else getting into the elevator in the middle of it. But, to be safe, just follow the rules.
what does the lady look like?
No idea. It differs from account to account. From a more personal account, a friend of mine told me she saw a small, hunched woman. But she couldn’t see the face.
I remember reading a story on reddit about a guy who did this, and he accidentally looked at the woman and described her. If I am not wrong, her hair, nails are really long, she’s wearing a bloody white dress and her eyes are purple, also you could see some sort of energy around her
Can You please write more about bathroom alternative/method?
Please send me the translation. I’m a natural witch. I’d like to know what I’m getting into.
Shouldnt we help this poor woman on the 5th floor to get out? What if she is stuck there too?
I think if she was stuck there wouldn’t she might be very angry with whoever crosses her path?
I had the same thought ._. ????
Maybe you become the woman.
???? I was trying to do that but on the fifth floor someone entered it was the security i thought it will be the women but it was him he took me out and he said what are you doing thus is not a game?????
Or is the security a woman disguised? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
Lol really funny OR
maybe it was the women in disguise and now you are cursed
Alright tried it, but on the 8th Step, coming to 5th floor when a women enters, it didn’t happen but a lil girl entered while wearing headphones (Skullcandy maybe) and maybe listening to Imagine Dragons – Demons. So I thought that the ritual didn’t work, and pressed my flat floor 21 and when I pressed 21 the girl pressed 8 which 21-13 and offcourse it spooked me, now when I reached back on my floor I came out of elevator and looked back at the girl, she was not wearing a headphone and at first I thought she might have kept it in her pocket, but the Headphones were way big for a lil girl’s pant pocket. I was frightened and ran to my flat, rand the bell, my mum opened and I hurriedly went in. I didn’t talked to the girl. While having dinner I asked my mum if she has seen a little girl who lives on 8th floor and she said “Nobody lives on the 8th floor”. The sentence got me choked and I fell ill for a week. Since that day I my Scholastic scores are goin down however I was a good scholar and so does my family and friend relationship. Maybe I am in other world or the curse of the girl.
The girl might’ve been visiting the restroom or something on that floor or you saw wrong or maybe she was playing around?
It’s… it’s not always an old woman.
I think the lady disguises herself to trick you.
You’re not supposed to look at her so
OMG, that happened to me one time but there was a little girl who was quietly singing to herself and when I went to get off she pulled out a knife at me and cut me 2 times on the wrist :'( DO NOT PLAY THE GAME!It was on the 10 floor I asked my mum if anyone lived on the 10th floor she said”nobody lives there it’s haunted”I freaked out and started to choke out of nowhere.Since then I always woke up laying down on the 10th floor!
It means you are cursed or you have been disoriented and started sleep walking
I tried it twice, no one came in, and lift functioning perfectly normal.
Such a letdown
It means your positive energy is much more powerful than negative or you live in a purified place so stop impurity the place and try somewhere spooky
You thinking too much in to it. You have no idea why that girl might of went in to the 8th floor. And you were probably too nervous and mistaken what she was wearing.
You are not in your own world, you are trapped in the otherworld, come back to us, we miss you!
Hey everybody
Anyone who wants to play the game he can just play it and it’s completely SAFE ’cause nothing really happens
I played the game many times with my friends (taking turns) and nothing actually happened.
But just be careful of one thing…..
You may be kicked away from the building because people will start yelling at you for playing with the elevator. So be careful
I played it, I messed up. Now i keep having dreams about it, every now and the i would wake up in the lobby, it seems like something was pushing me into the elevator
You are not in your own world, you are trapped in the otherworld, come back to us, we miss you!
you’re not supposed to play with someone else
Why? What would happen? Would it work or nah?
Nah. But interesingly enough, you can try playing together each elevator. See if you can appear into another world without being alone.
How? If is safe, what did you do to the women that came on the 5th floor? Bring a knife and kill her?
Nope. Do nothing. Don’t stare. Plus, if you do “kill” her, you would be dead.
Bruh, she’s probably a demon or something that could kill you in an instant. Do NOT look at her or speak with her. And don’t even try hurting or killing her, it would be futile.
Lol. I saw a woman from YouTube comments that doing this and she works together with the security so no one can go to the elevator.
Doing this now….
did it work?
You okay?
you have no idea.
So what if I was in the middle of traveling to the floors in the elevator alone say perhaps when I arrive at floor six and someone (not the beautiful woman expected at floor 5) gets in? I won’t be alone so would I have to try again from scratch once they leave?
I have read it up and she has been known to disguise herself – even as someone you know – in a bid to trap you (by tricking you into thinking you should abort the ritual or that you’re safe to talk to her). I wouldn’t abort I would continue and end the ritual as quickly and efficiently as possible.
By chance do you know what they mean she may keep you as her own?
Keeping you as her own means that she is going to kidnap you, dragging you to the other world and preventing you from returning to your own world, making her as one of her favorite “toys” or person.
If a spirit likes you, they will do anything as long as they can get you (my brother was liked by a ghost of a elderly woman, but she was more like a guardian to him so it wasn’t a problem). If the spirit was kind-hearted, then you’re fine. But if it is an evil spirit…
You’re done for.
Sorry if I go off-topic, but basically, don’t make her keeping yourself as your own. Because if she did, nothing good will happen.
Yes, I suppose you do have to wait until they get off.
I do not think you would have to although you might
Omg its really creepy
then it would not work and you would have to wait until they get off or you can restart the game completely when they get off. i think it would be better to play at 3-4 in the morning for a better experience and you should restart the game completely rather than continuing on.
Yes because no one else can be in the elevator with you so once they get out you have to start from the beginning
Yes, not if that’s floor five.
It actually means the ritual has failed and, yup you would need to try again
Yes. You have to be alone to do it. If you aren’t, it won’t work
Me and my friend have been trying to get to different world and this sounds real enough but if anybody knows any other safe but risky, scary, or adventurous ones please reply.
maybe the game is linked to a particular time of the day preferably is you try the game around midnight or 3:33am (reach 5th floor), you might have a better chance to reach to the parallel universe.
can you take a picture at her so you can see what she looks like??
God damn! I would never try this. Hopefully, there aren’t any buildings more than 5 storeys high in my town and even in the capital city, 10+ storeys are rare.
What happens if you just stay in the elevator and start conversation with the woman from the fifth floor?
Does this work?
Can you imagine if someone made a theme-park of this?
Like there are dozens of elevators you could use. Then have people waiting at the floor to enter the elevator.
People would probably pay a lot of money to go there.
How long can you safely stay in the Other World?
Additionally, do you think the world you arrive in via this ritual- the world with a cross as the sun- is a world between ours and Shadowside? Or the Shadowside itself?
These replies are the best fiction I’ve read in a LONG time. Kudos!
I’m gonna stay at a place with 10 floors and just keep going in on the 5th floor to see if anyone looks at me or looks terrified. ?*joking* I can’t sleep after reading comments ?
I would never try this game simply because of what I have experienced as a child and even when my husband went to look it up I told him not to, even though I have never heard of it before.
Hey Erin, would you mind sharing what occurred during your child hood please? I’m very interested.
People, don’t try this. I was stuck in the “Otherworld” for 4 years. And I am still not sure if I am back in my “original World”. When I left, my wife and I had only 1 boy, he was 1 year old. I came back last year, and he was 5, and my wife was pregnant. She didn’t mention me anything of me being out for 4 years. When my second boy was born I tested him and the DNA test shows I am his father. I had a dog called “Mechas” (Shaggy in Spanish), she died a few weeks before I went to the “Otherworld”, and now that I am back, my wife doesn’t recall her, and she often talks about our cat that died 3 years ago. Our car is the same, but different color and she says it has been the same color since we bought it. The city is almost the same, but I remember the main Catholic Church being a really old building (1823) made out of stone, and this “other World”s Church is 20 years old, made out of concrete.
The women you refer in step 8 came into the elevator, but IT was a girl (4/6 years old) talking in Spanish, my native tongue, even though I did this in Munich, Germany while on a business trip.
I would like to try it again to see if I can go back to my real world, but I am afraid I get stuck again, and I really love my wife and kids. I am fucking scared.
Electronics dont work in the other world so you’re good
Some versions claim electronics don’t work, others claim electronics do. It depends on the version you read.
I am sure we are the other world.
Hi! I would really like to know what your world is like.
Why do the buttons have to be pressed in that specific sequence? Is there some sort of message behind the numbers? Is it a religious thing, or is it totally random?
Here is what i think it means
4 – Death (in asia)
2 – 2nd Place (most people find 2nd place a bad place.
6 – A blueprint for 666.
2 – Refer to 2nd Place.
10 – The floor of the otherworld.
5 – Notice how 5 is an odd number and the only other odd number is 1. That means the floor would be odd.
1 – Where you begin, it’s where you’ll end (Not exactly, but you get the point)
Just tried it and it didn’t work, not that I expected it to but I was willing to give it a try. Probably a ploy from elevator makers around the world to increase sales of parts (sarcasm). I’d be willing to try some other ones just to see if they work as well.
This seemed cool and scary as hell. I chickened out the 1st 2 times. Finally, I just forced myself to go through it. I kept my eyes on the keypad the whole time to make sure not to look at the woman. I tried it 3 times in a row. Noone ever got in on the 5th floor. When I reached the 10th floor it was dark. I was like holy crap im here… but I heard movement out to the left so I wasnt alone. I hit the button for 1 like 1000x. It wouldnt go. Then womans voice said hold the elevator in a shrieking voice. I rapidly hit floor 1. I heard footsteps coming i swear i was about to shit myself. It was a lady security guard holding a box of what looked like little trophies. She got on the elevator. She spoke to me, I ignored her. I was scared cuz i already seen her. She pressed the 5th floor and she got off. I got off at the 1st floor and was outtie 5000. Turns out her name is janice, shes the building security guard and i was really rude by not saying hi back… it was def fun and scared crap outta me, but nothing otherworldly for me unfortunately…
What if we used a see through elevator for the game. Would it still work?
As a female, now I just want to start entering elevators from the 5th floor in hopes of freaking some people out 🙂
you have to have salt and water in your mouth, if it originated from korean tales.
I love this game but i would not wanna do it in real life
You guys should watch NIGHTMARE AT MIDNIGHT .. korean horror movies . The movie related wit the games .. You guys watchh itt
I followed the steps exactly in my friend’s apartment building. At the fifth floor I didn’t see anyone come in – I was trying to look at the wall so I wouldn’t look at her if she showed up. But I swear to God, I FELT someone come in. She didn’t say anything but I knew there was someone in there with me. I didn’t look. I was scared stiff. It went back down to the first floor and I left and didn’t look back.
I’ve played this game a few times now, and only encountered the young woman twice. One time though, she came on at the 2nd floor. She never asked me where I was going, and I never saw the red cross on level 10. Any theories as to why she shows up only sometimes?
I think it all depends on your soul
I would like a video game based on creepypasta rituals 😀
Download the elevator game VR if you have an oculus rift.
I tried 3 times:
1st: I chose the building next to mine. When I was on the 2nd floor, I pressed the button for the 6th floor but ended up on 1st floor. I slipped my mouth and said: “What…”. Nothing was really different except for the sky (it was really cloudy before I proceeded the game; but I guess the sky can change)
2nd: The same building. When I was on the 2nd floor, I pressed the button for the 6th floor but ended up on 1st floor again.
3rd: I switched to my own building and played the game. On the 5th floor no one got in, and the elevator descended to the 1st floor.
!: I brought a knife with me all the time just in case. Was it the reason why the game didn’t proceed properly?
I’m a 17 years old woman.
My house is on 5th floor. I was getting out so ı used the elevator. There was a man in it. He started screaming as soon as I said “can you press 1?”(the entarance of the boulding is at 1st floor). He immediatly started to push every floor and beg to me that have mercy on him. He exactly said “please don’t keep me please don’t kill me. I don’t wanna play anymore” and he ran away as the door opened. I was afraid that someting happened. I asked to the securityman that if he knows the man. He started laughing loudly and told me that he screamed while saying “I saw her , I saw the freaking lady!” then told me the ritual. I laughed my ass off. It happened that the man was living im the next building so whenever ı saw him, I look at him directly and shake my head. He immediatly runs away from me. LOL.
Was looking forward to trying this in my building but then realized the buttons go G-3-5-7-9-11-13-15, yeah there are 15 floors but only 8 levels… don’t ask, it was designed by an Italian architect on crack. I wonder if there is still a way to do it with a different combination to unlock the secret level of a world beyond… would be appropriate too because this building is really creepy. Any suggestions?
Oh. My. God. One of my best friends did the challenge and at level 5, the corridor was dark, anda person with long hair appeared and entered the lift. So he turned around, and did not look and speak to her. He pressed 1 and it went down, lucky for him. Then at lvl 1, the lady asked him where he was going when he was running out. He was scared shitless.
I saw her
This is a death trap do not do it I’m urging you. I looked at her for a split second and I’m not sure if it was just a random woman but I can still see her face in my dreams every night and it scares me so much I’ve had to take medication for it. Please this isn’t a game and if your thinking about playing I beg you not to put yourself in that position
Can you describe in details? I mean it’s kinda useful to relieve my stress right now ^v^
(why can’t the otherworld be full of wonders and magic!!!?)
I did something similar when I was younger and I definitely remember there was something off. When I did it and went to every floor it stopped at, the whole building seemed deserted. No one was around and no one ever got on the elevator and so I canceled it out by going back to the lobby.
I want to try this
I was once staying at a hotel with my friends on level 3 and we decided to check out the top level. To our disappointment there were just more hotel rooms.
However, there was a huge mirror and thinking it’ll be funny, i decided to say bloody mary 3 times
We entered the elevator and we pressed level 3. It was on its way to level 3, got down to level 5 and then the lifts stopped. We tried to open the door but it wouldnt open..
Then the number on the lift turned to 4 … (later on we realised it meant death)
Fortunately we ended up going all the way to the lobby level and had to walk up back to our room
Ok so my friend wants to try it … If she gets stuck …. CAN I SAVE HER BY GOING TO THE DEMENSION or is all hope lost .
well i think if he/she stay there and you do it and she will come and if you enter the demension too i think you will see him/her and be able to rescue him/her
The theory says you will be the only one on the floor… i think it would just be parallel worlds, youd both be there, unable to see each other or communicate
Reading this scared the crap out of me, hahahaha. Why do I want to do this?!
So, when I was about 8-9 years old, I entered an elevator to go up to a friends house. Pushed the button for the 4th floor if I recall and I stead I was brought down to the basement. I immediately exited the elevator, ran up the stairs to the lobby and ran home. I dunno what happened that day but I believe it’s linked to this theory
What if I just take the stairs of the building while I’m going back to real world? 😀 wouldn’t that work?
Will it still be considered alone if I’m on my cell phone?
What do they mean for when it says ”she will decide to keep you as her own ?” Would i be bound to her or something of that sort ? Or would she stalk me and toy with me ?
Yeah, what would happen if she did decide to keep us as her own?
I think it’s something like the devil? LIke she’ll own our soul or something. Or maybe she’ll just kill us. I wouldn’t want to know xD
Eitherways, i’ve personally tried it and she didn’t appear on the floor to my dissapointment/relief. Maybe i wasn’t ready to meet her yet. Hehe
In the original game (if you’re thinking of someone you know who’s dead) they appear. There’s also several different versions and variations that say that the woman/girl is a representative of the ‘other’ world.
Something happened. It was horrible.
I did the steps, and when it came to the fifth floor, I caught a glimpse of her hair. I help my breath, and I tried not to breathe too hard. I’m a pretty tall guy, so she didn’t get in my way. I’m also not big, so I didn’t come in contact with her. She started to hum, and I couldn’t think of the song until I got out.
She then asked me “Where are you going?” And the elevator started to rise. It went up. I didn’t acknowledge her, and I heard her sigh.
I got out on the tenth floor, and when I heard the elevator doors close, I looked behind me to see four other elevators. I turned back around, and there was nobody. I smelled surfer and what seemed to be burning rubber. I went to the hotel’s window and the sky was a rusty red and grayish colour. The moon was fogged and it was cloudy. I looked out a different window and to my surprise I was a cross. I then remembered what these steps said and I gasped ever so slightly. I didn’t want to stay anymore.
I went back to the elevators, which seemed to be farther than I thought and went into the one I came out of. I pressed the buttons in the same order. Again. And again. I went into hysterical mode and every noise I heard scared the f out of me. I was breathing hard and then.
I appeared in my world. Or. So I thought. I looked around and something was right. The guy at the counter wasn’t blinking and the time on the clock wasn’t right. It was also broken, and it wasn’t ticking. I went back in and did the steps once more, before actually getting back to my time. I ran out and looked around. It was right.
The counter guy knew me and waved to me. I waved back (mainly bc he’s cute. All the homo.).
I went back upstairs and saw a woman entering her room next to mine. She was humming “Tiptoeing Through the Tulips”. I remember now. The woman who was in the elevator. Was singing the same thing. The woman looked to me and nodded to me before shutting her door. I went into my room and I saw my sister.
My sister, you see, is into weird voodoo and sh* t, and she’s usually doing spells or sticking dolls into pickle jars, so when she saw me walk in, her black eyes widened to the size of watermelons. She went over to me and blew on my face. It smelled like mint?
“Lin. . .” She had said. “You’ve messed with something. Something horrible. And now. Something is going to happen to you. . . Linivier I haven’t figured a way to cleanse, only to conjure. You need to be safe. . . Lin, I fear for you. Your mistakes will have consequences. That woman you saw. She is evil.”
I didn’t know how she knew the woman was with me, but I knew it wasn’t good.
I fear for my life to this day. I fear that I will die, for my sister and father did this year. Either my sister, my mum or I die next. . . . .
Very interesting read. If you are still ok answer.
Look up the Musical Chairs Alone game. The song ‘Tip Toe Through The Tulips’ was needed to play the game. Now this song really creeps me out.
What happened to Linivier?????
So fake, but entertaining.
No idea, but this story giving me the creeps. I’ve come across scary games on the internet not to play alone. But I don’t understand why this you have to.
It probably doesn’t work because …
1. You’re not doing the buttons right in order.
2. You’re not suppose to bring cameras and record it.
3. You’re suppose to be alone while doing it.
Not suggesting people to do it. But if anyone does do it I hope you wear a black turmoil crystal around your neck & Sage your place and yourself before you do. Also Pray😭
This possibly makes the scariest and creepiest sh*t I have ever read in history. I pray for you and your family and I hope you are doing well.
So you have 2 sisters? and omg that is so creepy……….Hoping for you
Roxane have you tried it without any gauge with you? There is a bunch of videos on youtube and of course if something happen, ”they” don’t want us to know. I’ve never tried, however, I’m thinking about doing it. Any thoughts to share?
I was in British Colombia, Canada, in a hotel with 10 floors. I had heard about the elevator game and wanted to try it very bad. At first, I told my sister and cousin about it and we did it together. It did not work. I re-read the rules and saw it said I needed to be alone in the elevator. I did it. Alone. I had my phone to film the whole thing. I was terrified but brave enough to try it. I enter the whole 4-2-6-2-10 combination then when I’m about to press 5 for the woman to come in, I freeze. I press 5 and wait silently. I turn around, as I’m not supposed to look at the woman. When I’m at the fifth floor, I don’t see or feel anyone coming in. I instantly feel relieved. I press 1 and it goes normaly to 1, not 10. This is very fake, don’t worry guys 🙂
I thought I read about this somewhere and apparently there was a korean comic featured this kind of game. not exactly the same though, just similar. it is called ‘The Reset Elevator’ if you want to restart your life this game might give you a chance to do so. anyway this is the comic if you are interested. it is from the same website as boncheongdong ghost cheers! 🙂
What would happen if someone got on (other than the girl) in the middle of the game, say, I’m on the sixth floor and a resident of the building gets on. What should I do? Not proceed with the game and go back to the floor I’m staying on? Or continue? Or if someone gets on on the fifth and it’s not the girl. Should I look away and not speak In the case that it’s her in a disguise? Or can I end the game because it’s not her and again, there’s someone else, so go back to where I stay? Or can I continue?
If anyone else gets on, I’m pretty sure it will just stop the ritual from working; if, though, you want to err on the side of caution, don’t speak or look to whoever gets on, head down to the first floor, and exit the building. You can always try again later.
Also what if nobody gets on the lift on the fifth floor? Could that mean it didn’t work?
YouTuber Sam Golbach didn’t get anybody on fifth floor and it worked.
I was wondering something similar. If someone does enter the elevator on the 5th floor, Is the player suppose to assume that its a young woman? The instructions say that you can’t look at her. How can you be certain it’s a young woman without looking or talking to her? What if something else enters the elevator? You’d have no idea unless you look.
Given the close quarters an elevator provides, you’ll probably be able to see whether or not it’s a young woman out of your peripheral vision — I think the key is to avoid looking directly at her. DEFINITELY don’t make eye contact.
I’ve heard a similar experience of which the player saw her older sister enter at floor 5 even tho her sister was at home. I have also heard of someone seeing a lost loved one who passed away that year enter at floor 5 whilst undertaking this ritual. The person in the elevator varies depending on your fears and relationships but it’s always a female each time. Never seem a story of someone seeing a guy enter at the 5th floor tho
The directions mention that the person may ask you where you are going. You’ll usually know by the voice. But I would err on the side of caution and avoid looking directly at anyone who boards the elevator.
Oh yeah, what if you cant see her?
Our elevator has mirrors O.o
I tried at a hotel almost midnight so no one is around but too sad its nothing happen though..
The worst chances during the ritual is usually at 3AM.
Tried it; nothing happened thank god. The thrill however, was insanely scary
Glad you got through it unscathed! Care to elaborate on your experience?
Hi Lucia.
I followed all the steps precisely. And I played it at exactly midnight just to add into the atmosphere.
No lady walked in at level 5. I exited the lift at number 1, and it was all normal.
Hope this helps 🙂
Should watch Horror Stories 2, a korean horror movies which has 4 different stories. This “game” was featured in it -The Escape. Really good.
I’ll try it for sure 😀 Since I was born psychic, something -related with this game or not -might happen on me like usual.
Did it work? ^
Bet she’s stuck in the other world by now..
I was as well. But honestly, I’m a bit too scared to try it.
How do you find and elevator with no one on it or getting on it except for the lady
That’s up to you. Be resourceful.
Try a small condo in the middle of a weekday. My condo would be perfect for this any time of day really. If I had the cajones to try this anyway.
R.I.P Elisa Lam.
Reading this blog in the dark at midnight. No bueno
You do know this is from creepypasta right?
Well, yes; all these types of games are. But they’re still fun to read, especially if you suspend your disbelief while reading them.
Personally did it before,it’s untrue. Was really excited about doing it though but it didn’t lead me to another realm so it was sorta disappointing haha
… What if you are now actually in the Otherworld?
Then it’s even more disappointing since the ‘Otherworld’ seems no difference.
Neo: it could though just be a WEEEE TINY detail that’s off
lucia, this game killed a girl in mysterious way. no authority understood what happened. you may wanna look at the end of the video
Where’s the video?
May I have the link to this video? Thanks! Has anyone ever tried this game before besides this girl?
It isn’t clear that she was doing the game but she was found dead in the water supply for the hotel which was on the locked roof. There is the video just search it in YouTube. It’s kinda freaky but no it’s not certain she’s playing the game.
look up “Elisa Lam” on youtube. She died mysteriously and the video of her was the last time anyone saw her alive. In the video you will see her in the elevator and it gets really weird especially towards the end. after watching it, you may want to look her up on google or wiki, it will explain a bit about her background and what possibly may have happened. good luck and hope this helps you find what you are looking for.
What video?
The video in question might be the one of Elisa Lam in the elevator of the Cecil Hotel (now apparently rebranded as Stay on Main) — there’s a theory going around that her death was a result of the elevator game. I don’t really buy into the theory myself; I think there are more plausible explanations for what happened, and the whole thing is such a tragedy that I don’t want to cheapen her death by chalking it up to something which may or may not actually “work.”
Out of respect for both her memory and her family and loved ones, I’m going to refrain from linking to the video here — it’s probably easily found, though, so if you’re curious, go forth and Google.
Search it in google. It’s Elisa Lam
Korean elevators have no 4th floor (or 14th, 24th, etc) because 4 sounds like their word for death. look up “Tetraphobia”
Interesting! A similar superstition, perhaps, to the lack of 13th floors in a lot of American buildings?
actually, the superstition behind the number 13 goes back to Biblical times. At the Last Supper, it is said that 13 people total were present at the table, with the 13th person being Judas who eventually betrays Jesus Christ. As a result, the number 13 was thought to represent betrayal and death, or otherwise just be “unlucky” to have around because it invited betrayal and death. Even though the religious reasoning has sort of faded away over time, it’s a general superstition here in America still that 13 is “unlucky” 🙂
12 apostles, not 13
yes, but the 12 apostles include Judas, and then with Jesus you get 13. Thirteen is unlucky because of the number at the last supper, specifically, not really because of the apostles. …honestly though i wonder about it because its questionable it was Just Jesus and The Boiz anyway.
Back when I was a kid in Germany, there was barely a 5th and 7th floor
No. 4 means death in Japanese too … I even heard that they don’t use that # as a rm. # in hospitals … (don’t know if that’s true tho)
When I worked in the Emergency room, I noticed there was no 13th room. When I asked a nurse, who was Asian, she explained that it was because of the superstitious nature of the number and some patients would refuse to be in room 13. She did say that it was exactly the same in her home country with the number 4.
What is this game even for? I have a lot of questions
1. Who made up the game?
2. What is this game for?
3. Why could the woman decide to keep you for her self?
4. How could you go to another world if you exit on the tenth floor?
5. Why do you have to keep going to a bunch of floors?
6. What is up with that barthtub game?
7. What is up with that closet game?
8. Why does everyone think that Bloody Mary is real?
9. Why does everyone think that baby blue is real?
10. What is the purpose of this game? There those where all my 10 questions hope some of you can answer them all!
It’s the occult, you’re meant to find out those kinds of answers by doing it yourself and holding on to the secrets. I personally wouldn’t recommend delving into the occult, reading about it is a safer bet lol
From what I know there are two different versions of this “game” one being to travel to the other world and one is a reset but the reset requires you to put in your birthdate. Also rather than you seeing a woman you’ll see yourself and in order for the reset to work only one can remain on the elevator… you figure out how…
Einstein said what we know is a drop and what we don’t know is an ocean.
Idk maybe we’ll never find out. We can’t prove that it does work but we Also can’t prove that it doesn’t work.
You know what, I’ll take a shot at some of these, because the answers are actually really cool in my eyes. That being said, you’re coming across as very mocking of superstition. If this is so, shut your mouth, please, you little, self-important academic wannabe. If not, then enjoy! <3!
1. Most urban myths can't actually be traced to one person. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2. To see another dimension, obviously. It's also one of the safer ones of these things. No fire, darkness with slippery/dangerous conditions/objects, or anxiety inducing factors. (which as my mom has an untreated, severe anxiety disorder, I promise is a much, MUCH bigger deal then you think.)
3. My guess is it works somewhat like faerie logic: you invite her to do so by speaking. However, if you looked into the actual myths of the region, you could get a much more accurate answer. And then the actual answer would come from a local who grew up with that belief.
4. Same as before, look into the source and find it.
5. Same as before. There's probably significance to them, too. It would be interesting to find out what it is!
6. It's scary, for one, and therefore fun, and therefore becomes popular. And again, it's probably tied to that culture somehow.
7. I have no idea what the closet game is, but same answer.
8. Most don't. Those who are scared are often so because of anxiety. The fear is irrational, but Bloody Mary types are especially designed to create as much of it as possible. Those who DO believe are either people who are already superstitious or have such anxiety surrounding these things that they can't convenience themselves it's not. It's cruel.
9. Same thing.
10. This is the same question as number two, buddy. :/?
That’s the Japanese that gave that superstition, not the Koreans.
It’s common in East Asia. Many Chinese also believe in this superstition. My grandfather’s generation do at the very least.
In the Philippines too. I’ve only been in a 10+ floor building once, actually many times, but the same building. It doesn’t have the numbers: 3,13, any number ending in 4
@Cas Same here! Seriously, the tallest building I’ve ever been is a hospital. It had about 10 I think. Sadly, there was an operator so I can’t play this ritual. 🙁
It is quite curious. I mean about words in other languages. There is a huge lot of unknown aspects about non-English languages which still remain hidden and un-discussed and undisclosed in English.
In fact, most Asian/African language and some continental European languages do very dangerous words and usages. However, their effect is more in the material sphere. They can literally act like black magic in a real world scenario.
Number 4 in Japanese can be pronounced “shi”. However, another word for 4 is “Yon”.
But SHI means also death: 死
Of course, that will explain why Japanese people don’t like number 4. It’s pronounced the same way as the word death.
Whelp my last name means death ;(
Actually it was the Chinese, it means death in the Chinese language.
It is both Japanese and Chinese. My mom worked closely at a university with a Japanese scientist who confirmed this, and I work for a Chinese-born man who also confirms this.
I can only speak for the Chinese language but Japanese does often use the same pronunciationor characters to Chinese. Anyway, the word for 4 is shi which has the same Pinyin as Shi – to die, HOWEVER the two are different tones which basically means they are not even regarded to sound like the same word, so this is not really a popular belief as far as I know in china.
In Chinese 4 is pronounced sì and in Japanese, it is pronounced shi. I know this because I am both Chinese and Japanese. And in conclusion, both ways sound like death.
i live in seoul. i work on 4th floor. i live on a fourth floor. elevators most have 4th floor button
The Korean word for ‘four’ sounds like the Chinese ‘death.’ Korea used to use Chinese characters (and still do in academic journals) and there are a lot of Chinese root words in Korean. They don’t skip the fourth floor, but rather label it the ‘F-floor.’
I am korean and four in Korean doesn’t mean death. However, four is a unlucky number that Koreans don’t like to be associated with. Also, according to my mom who lived in South Korea for all of her life, she says that the old Korean characters where native to our land and the Chinese copied off of Korea. My mother has learned her history and I am sure that it is correct even if the internet says otherwise as there is false information on the internet.
Thanks for setting things straight!
In Korea they go 1-2-3-F-5…
Are you sure its Korean? I know in Mandarin Chinese the word for 4 (四si) is the same for death (死si) and in hospitals there weren’t fourth floors.
Shi is the word for death and number 4 in Japanese, maybe in Chinese too, I don’t know. But in Japanese they have an alternative way of saying 4, yon.
We also have an alternative to 7. Nana or shichi
No we have 4th floor all of the buildings
Uh no we have 4th floors, but some places don’t.
So the 5th floor where the woman enters… is actually the 4th, which sounds like “death”… :O
What if we want to do it with two people or more ?
You know, I’m not actually sure. I suspect that it probably just wouldn’t work, given that the instructions stipulate being alone in the elevator when you start the ritual. It might be sort of interesting to find out what happens if you all enter different elevators in the same building and attempt the journey at the same time, though.
I have read a post on the reddit nosleep section about someone who played this game with her boyfriend. It did worked for them. They successfully met the girl. But that is the only story I found regarding the success of playing with 2 persons.
oooo can I have a link?
Nosleep on Reddit is fiction writing.. double check that. I’m not 100 percent sure
It wasn’t her and her boyfriend it was her while her boyfriend waited outside the building
I always find these stories hard to believe :/
So you’re saying that if you choose to stay on the elevator & arrive on the 1st floor & detect if something is wrong, you remain on the elevator & then repeat step 2 or do you mean steps 2-8 of ‘Venturing Out’?
Do you know how many people have died from this game?
Elisa Lam
Zero, because it’s not real. It’s an urban legend from Japan and South Korea. They even have different versions of the game. In the Korean version you’re not alone in the other world and your family and friends there have their same regular voices. The only way to tell them apart from the real world is that their faces are kinda off, like there is an inch difference from what they look like in the real world and their behavior is very different too.
There is a video of this girl acting really weird on an elevator and looking around for a while until she eventually got off of the elevator. Meanwhile the doors stayed open the entire time until she walked away (even if she was nowhere near the doors). Then a few days or weeks later they found her dead in a water tank. If the elevator game is real maybe that’s what happened. I don’t recommend trying though.
Yes A LOT!
Is that true?
This sounds fun as a game~
I read a story of a girl who did this with several friends. They also looked at, or even spoke to, the woman when she got on at the fifth floor. Supposedly, she looks like Samara from “The Ring”. Regardless, the woman supposedly attacked her, and she blacked out. When she awoke, she was in her room, but things were different. Among those differences, her friends were missing, almost as if they had never existed. I have my suspicions about this story, but it is one of the few I am aware of regarding doing this ritual with multiple people.
That seems cool, but it can’t be true. How would the girl have had access to write a story that you could have read, if she woke up in a different world?
I cannot agree with you more hahaha
Maybe we are the different world. The parallel universe than the girl. The girl is from another world. And in our world, her friends never existed.
Maybe she wasn’t in a different world but her friends were.
Maybe “Samara” decided to keep her friends, but she somehow escaped…
Love the elevator game but scary at same time
What would happen should I venture to the Red Cross in the distance?
DON’T. It would be a trap and you won’t be able to escape another world
That’s literally what I wanted to know, like what is that Red Cross? Why is it there? And why at would happen if you went to it?
I’ve heard that you can be with your friends but nobody else that is not with you.
Hey! One question, what if the girl- is my mom? o.o What would I do? o.o
the girl is just playing with your mind , if she is your mom then dont look or talk to her as you do she will choose what to do with you
Hey, don’t try it bud. I died during the process..
If you died during the process, how are you posting and writing this?
I live on floor 4 0_0
I’m planning to do this challenge right now but should I? Is it even real?
Well did it work?
I think he died.
There’s a movie reference about this ritual.Look up for “Horror Stories 2”. It’s a Korean movie consist of 4 short horror films. The ritual was told in the last movie
Do not look back spirits tend to take on a form that is most comforting to you and then distort it
And finally I played but it did not worked fully – when I reached on to 10th floor that girl disappeared and when I came back to real world that girl was just standing on the first floor. I was scared but I didn’t focus on her as instructed but at the same time one delivery boy came and handed goods to her and when she was entering into the lift she said “Good bye baby I am going to the world back” and my heart started beating fast and started paining. But from that day onwards I am still scared.
Then just ignore her. she may be the woman.
hell no to the no no no no
So the woman on the fifth floor is irrelevant? You can’t talk to her or look at her. Has anyone wondered what she is?
I was watching the Elisa lam video, and heard about this. But I understand how this works. The elevator is just a way to focus the attention. This can be done anywhere.
Explain. I’d love to do this but the tallest building around me is a hospital that five stories.
Is the Elevator Game real? What happens if you play the game wrong? can you die?
No it is just a game. You can’t play it IRL
That’s kinda breaking the rules. So really something bad might happen.
this is soo creepy
I’m pretty sure it won’t work then. Do it 1 at a time. However you would each end up in different versions of the same dimension. Ugh time space is so confusing.
I played it with 3 friends and it worked for us, the whole thing and at some point of the game my friends disappeared when the lights shut off and turned back on.
Have you ventured out of the elevator? Have you seen this strange reddish sky and cross? And have you encounter the elevator woman?
It does not work on buildings which don’t exist or have heavy damage in the other dimension. Therefore, you might need to try this in several different buildings to find one that is appropriate.
Hey imagine if you left like a pencil in front of the elevator, then come back the next day. Don’t leave the elevator. Just place a pencil or any insignificant item there. If it disappears that means there’s more than one world. If it didn’t probably you did it wrong because of janitors. The only flaw with my theory is that the woman could have moved the pencil.
If you want it to work just don’t bring a friend with you
Don’t do this, I tried it and it f__ing scary as hell. The girl actually did appear and get on. I was shocked. I never thought this would work, but it did. I live on the 28th floor of my building and still get a lot of anxiety and now see a doctor for anti anxiety.
It will not work.
you can’t do it, as it says on the first requirement, one person.
You can do it with 2 people
Same here, I wanted to know if I could do it with 2 or 3 of my friends. I don’t like being alone and being with a creepy young girl ghost won’t help me.