Previously: The Devil Face Game. Note: Please don’t copy/paste, republish, or narrate this post on other websites, video platforms, etc. without permission. Here’s an interesting, if somewhat Continue Reading > about The Most Dangerous Games: How To Go To Another World Using A Train (Or, How To Open The Demon Gate)
Abandoned: The Unfinished Remains Of The Cincinnati Subway, Ohio (Photos)
Previously: Blub Water Park, Germany. When you think of subway and rapid transit systems in the United States, which cities come to mind first? New York? Boston? Chicago? DC? Whichever one it is, Continue Reading > about Abandoned: The Unfinished Remains Of The Cincinnati Subway, Ohio (Photos)
Abandoned: The Fading Splendor Of New York’s Old City Hall Subway Station
Previously: Dogpatch USA. You’d never know it just looking at it, but the New York City subway system is full of secrets. Those tiny ledges jutting out from walls? They’re often indicative of old Continue Reading > about Abandoned: The Fading Splendor Of New York’s Old City Hall Subway Station
Creepypasta of the Week: “The Strangers”
Previously: "The Art of Jacob Emory." If you’ve ever lived in a place where you had to rely on a subway system to get around, the creepypasta “The Strangers” will probably strike a chord with you. Continue Reading > about Creepypasta of the Week: “The Strangers”