Previously: Te Kaiwa, Or The Love Me Game. Note: Please don’t copy/paste or republish the text of this post on other websites without permission. The version Continue Reading > about The Most Dangerous Games: Kokkuri-san, Or The Spirit Of The Coin
How Does Dowsing Work? Water Witching And The Power Of Expectation
Previously: Spirit Boxes And Auditory Pareidolia. Weirdly enough, the first time I encountered the concept of dowsing was in a manga I first read about 20 years ago — and I say “weirdly” because Continue Reading > about How Does Dowsing Work? Water Witching And The Power Of Expectation
How Do Ouija Boards Work? Spirit Channeling And The Ideomotor Effect
Previously: The Compass Game. Welcome to “How Does It Work?”, a new feature here at The Ghost In My Machine that aims to explore how classic forms of divination actually, well, work — both from the Continue Reading > about How Do Ouija Boards Work? Spirit Channeling And The Ideomotor Effect
The Most Dangerous Games: The Compass Game
Previously: Summoning The Red Man. Judging by its appearance on rather a lot of Brazilian websites, it seems that The Compass Game, or Jogo do Compasso in Portuguese, is quite popular in that Continue Reading > about The Most Dangerous Games: The Compass Game