Previously: “The Crawlspace.” Today, a classic creepypasta: “White With Red,” an oft-repeated (and oft-copied and pasted) tale about the dangers of spying on hotel rooms that are not yours. I Continue Reading > about Creepypasta Of The Week: “White With Red”
Creepypastas of the Week: Classics, Vol. 1
Previously: "The Girl in the Drawing." Let’s do something a little different today: Instead of looking at one longer story, let’s explore a couple of shorter ones — all of which are creeypasta Continue Reading > about Creepypastas of the Week: Classics, Vol. 1
Creepypasta of the Week: "The Woman in the Oven"
Previously: "Misfortune.GB." Let's start the new year off with a blast from the past, shall we? "The Woman in the Oven" — sometimes simply referred to as "The Tape" — is one of the Continue Reading > about Creepypasta of the Week: "The Woman in the Oven"
Creepypasta of the Week: “Extra Ketchup”
Previously: "Are You Still There? (Chatroom)." Another one by our buddy Christopher Howard "Slimebeast" Wolf. "Extra Ketchup" may not break any new ground, but it's an effective version of an Continue Reading > about Creepypasta of the Week: “Extra Ketchup”