It occurred to me a few weeks ago that an FAQ pertaining to the myriad games and rituals we’ve talked about here in The Most Dangerous Games might be useful; as such, here’s my attempt to provide one. Continue Reading > about The Most Dangerous Games: Frequently Asked Questions
The Most Dangerous Games: The Staircase Ritual
Previously: Hyakumonagatari Kaidankai. I’m not totally sure where The Staircase Ritual originated; it’s credited on most creepypasta repositories to someone going by the name Continue Reading > about The Most Dangerous Games: The Staircase Ritual
The Most Dangerous Games: Hyakumonogatari Kaidankai, or the Game of 100 Ghost Stories
Previously: The Candles Game. Unlike many of the games we’ve covered thus far, the Japanese ritual Hyakumonogatari Kaidankai, or the Game Of 100 Ghost Stories (although it's more accurately Continue Reading > about The Most Dangerous Games: Hyakumonogatari Kaidankai, or the Game of 100 Ghost Stories
Encyclopaedia of the Impossible: Bloody Mary
Previously: The Bell Witch. Type: CC (corporeally challenged) Period/location of origin: Unknown. Appearance: Various, although subject, called "Bloody Mary," is usually female and Continue Reading > about Encyclopaedia of the Impossible: Bloody Mary
The Most Dangerous Games: The Dead Poet’s Game
Previously: The Shoebox Telephone. I found the instructions for the Dead Poet's Game wrapped up in a mediocre creepypasta; as such, I can’t vouch for the efficacy of the ritual. It does, however, Continue Reading > about The Most Dangerous Games: The Dead Poet’s Game
The Most Dangerous Games: The Shoebox Telephone
Previously: One-Man Hide and Seek. The Shoebox Telephone comes to us from the same redditor who brought us The Three Kings, who noted in his original post that although he contributed a few Continue Reading > about The Most Dangerous Games: The Shoebox Telephone