Previously: Loira do Banheiro. Type: CO (Cursed Object). Period/location of origin: Unknown. Subject is frequently stated to be roughly two centuries old in sources with dates ranging from the Continue Reading > about Encyclopaedia Of The Impossible: The Chair Of Death
Unresolved: The Toynbee Tiles, Jupiter, & Resurrecting The Dead
Previously: The John Lawson House. In the 1980s, a series of strange messages began to appear, seemingly embedded in the pavement of streets and sidewalks in both major U.S. cities and in a few Continue Reading > about Unresolved: The Toynbee Tiles, Jupiter, & Resurrecting The Dead
Encyclopaedia Of The Impossible: The Wandering Bus
Previously: The Elf On The Shelf. Type: Debated. On surface, subject appears to be of PV classification; however, upon closer examination, subject may actually be of EV or VV classification. It is Continue Reading > about Encyclopaedia Of The Impossible: The Wandering Bus