Previously: Books That Scared The Pants Off Me When I Was A Kid. I learned very early in life that, if I always had a book with me, I would never be bored. As such, I grew up into the kind of Continue Reading > about What’s In My Bookshelf: The Best Spooky Books To Read, May 2020
14 Spooky Microfiction Twitter Accounts To Send A Chill Down Your Spine
Previously: Spooky Email Newsletters. I know, I know: Twitter is a cesspool. Most social media is a cesspool. But there are pockets of delight to be found amidst all the vitriol, if you look Continue Reading > about 14 Spooky Microfiction Twitter Accounts To Send A Chill Down Your Spine
The Best Spooky Books To Read, October 2016 — And Why They’re Worth Your Time: Part 2, Serial Killers, Unreliable Narrators & More
Previously: Spooky Books: Ghosts & Haunted Houses. Time for the second installment of the Best Spooky Books To Read, October 2016 edition. Whereas last week we focused on ghost stories, this Continue Reading > about The Best Spooky Books To Read, October 2016 — And Why They’re Worth Your Time: Part 2, Serial Killers, Unreliable Narrators & More
The Best Spooky Books To Read, October 2016 — And Why They’re Worth Your Time: Part 1, Ghosts & Haunted Houses
There's a particular kind of spooky book I like to read when autumn rolls around. They're not necessarily scary per se — but they all have the same sort of air about them: They're the kinds Continue Reading > about The Best Spooky Books To Read, October 2016 — And Why They’re Worth Your Time: Part 1, Ghosts & Haunted Houses
Encyclopaedia of the Impossible: The Noise Coming from Inside Children
Previously: The Crying Boy. Type: Unclassifiable. Period/location of origin: Unknown. It is possible that subject, "The Noise Coming From Inside Children," originated in the 1970s, Continue Reading > about Encyclopaedia of the Impossible: The Noise Coming from Inside Children
Original Fiction: “Payphone”
From an unfinished manuscript found in a dumpster outside a diner in southern New Jersey: The phone rang again. The one that shouldn’t ring. The old payphone hung high up above the back door, Continue Reading > about Original Fiction: “Payphone”