Previously: A Collection Of Halloween Divination Games. Note: Please don’t copy/paste or republish the text of this post on other websites without permission. Posted to r/NoSleep in 2014 by Continue Reading > about The Most Dangerous Games: The Oklahoma Darkness Game
fear of the dark
Childhood Traumas (Welcome To The Halloween Season)
This essay was originally published on Oct. 2, 2017. It's an excellent way to kick off the Halloween season, though, so I'm republishing it today. What terrified you as a child? My brother Continue Reading > about Childhood Traumas (Welcome To The Halloween Season)
Childhood Traumas (Welcome To The Halloween Season)
Previously: What To Do On Halloween. My brother and his friends troop down to the basement rec room, saying, “Let’s play Operation!,” and I am uneasy. I have never liked clowns. But I go with them; Continue Reading > about Childhood Traumas (Welcome To The Halloween Season)
Creepypasta of the Week: “Bedtime”
Previously: "Suicidemouse.avi." “Bedtime,” penned by Michael Whitehouse (aka Ghastly Tales), taps into something deep and primal to which a good many of us can likely relate: A fear of the dark. Continue Reading > about Creepypasta of the Week: “Bedtime”