Previously: The Shadow Doll Game. Note: Please don’t copy/paste, republish, or narrate this post on other websites, video platforms, etc. without permission. The ritual game known in Brazil as Continue Reading > about The Most Dangerous Games: O Jogo das Tres Formas, Or The Three Cups Game
Creepypasta Of The Week: “The Copyman”
Previously: "How To Cook A Soft-Boiled Egg." If you've ever worked an admin or assistant job, you're no doubt aware of how numbingly repetitive the work can be. Sure, if your colleagues are fun, Continue Reading > about Creepypasta Of The Week: “The Copyman”
Encyclopaedia Of The Impossible: The Carmen Winstead Chain Letter
Previously: The Princess. Type: EV (Electronic Virus). Period/location of origin: Unknown. It is estimated that subject, known as "Carmen Winstead," the "Carmen Winstead chain letter," or simply Continue Reading > about Encyclopaedia Of The Impossible: The Carmen Winstead Chain Letter