Previously: Cincinnati Music Hall. (CW: Torture, murder, war crimes, human rights violations.) On the northeastern edge of Singapore lie the remains of an old hospital. Well — it was a hospital Continue Reading > about Haunted Globetrotting: Old Changi Hospital, Singapore And The Specters Of War
Creepy Wikipedia: The Moberly–Jourdain Incident, Time Slips, And The Ghosts Of Versaille
Previously: Weegee. Have you ever been to the Palace of Versaille? I haven’t — not yet. (Ironically enough, despite being the only member of my family to have studied French, I am also the only Continue Reading > about Creepy Wikipedia: The Moberly–Jourdain Incident, Time Slips, And The Ghosts Of Versaille
How Does It Work?: The Stone Tape Theory, Residual Hauntings, And The Deep Influence Of Memory And Emotion
Previously: Spirit Photography. Here’s a term I hadn’t heard until fairly recently: The “stone tape theory.” “Huh,” I thought. “What’s the stone tape theory? How does it work? Is it new? Maybe I’m Continue Reading > about How Does It Work?: The Stone Tape Theory, Residual Hauntings, And The Deep Influence Of Memory And Emotion
Is “Dear David” Real? A New Examination Of Twitter’s Current Favorite Haunting (Part 5)
Previously: Is “Dear David” Real? Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4. Wondering what’s been going on lately with Adam Ellis and the alleged ghost named Dear David who’s seemingly out for Continue Reading > about Is “Dear David” Real? A New Examination Of Twitter’s Current Favorite Haunting (Part 5)
Encyclopaedia of the Impossible: The Bell Witch
Previously: The SS Great Eastern. Type: CC (corporeally challenged). Period/location of origin: 1817, Adams, Tennessee. Appearance: Unknown. Modus operandi: Subject, termed the Bell Continue Reading > about Encyclopaedia of the Impossible: The Bell Witch