Previously: "Object In Stagnation Consciousness." My household isn't an Xbox household. Not anymore, at least; between the PS5, the Switch, the Switch Lite, the multiple PCs, and the smart TV, we Continue Reading > about Creepypasta Of The Week: “Xbox Live”
The Echo Test: Japan’s Doppelganger Phone Numbers And The Folklore Of Doubling
Previously: 1-800-GOLF-TIP. Supposedly "cursed" phone numbers are seemingly a dime a dozen these days. There’s at least one in almost every country and region you can think of — and, in many Continue Reading > about The Echo Test: Japan’s Doppelganger Phone Numbers And The Folklore Of Doubling
Encyclopaedia Of The Impossible: Koito-san
Previously: The Dark Watchers. Type: PE (Preternatural Entity). Period/location of origin: Unknown, Japan. Appearance: Subject does not have one set appearance, but remains quite simple to Continue Reading > about Encyclopaedia Of The Impossible: Koito-san