Previously: “Mr. Widemouth.”
I found the creepypasta “A Knock On The Window” purely by accident: I went to the Creepypasta Wiki, I hovered over the “Explore” menu, and I clicked “Random Page,” and voila! “A Knock On The Window.” (In reality, I clicked “Random Page” a few times and read a couple of mediocre pastas before finally arriving at this one, but, in essence, voila! “A Knock On The Window.”) And you know what? I really like this one! It’s short and sweet, with excellent economy of storytelling and some effectively-used repetition.
[Like what you read? Check out Dangerous Games To Play In The Dark, available from Chronicle Books now!]

The Creepypasta Wikia version does seem to be the oldest one available on the internet, suggesting that user Jason34, who uploaded it at the end of June in 2012, is the writer. However, Jason34’s profile is otherwise blank, so alas, I cannot tell you anything else about them. The story can be found a few other places (here, here, and here, for example), but as they’re all dated later than this one — that last one by just a few days — I assume they were simply copied and pasted. Setting Google to return results from 2012 and earlier also only brought up this one, single page, which… pretty much speaks for itself.
In any event, “A Knock On The Window” is a quick and enjoyable read. Just… maybe don’t read it right before you turn in for the night.
I lay in my bed, restless and alone, on a dark and silent night. I toss and turn in my bed, trying to find a comfortable spot, but I feel uneasy. Something about tonight just didn’t feel right. I toss and turn until I finally find a comfortable position.
I close my eyes, but it doesn’t make a difference, it’s too dark in my room to see a thing anyways. I guess it takes time for my eyes to adjust to darkness. I lay there, still and silent on a dark and dank night. My body is relaxed, my mind is blank, and I’m ready for some much-needed rest. Instantly, the silence is shattered and my mind fills with fearful thoughts as my startled eyes flash open.
Knock. Knock.
It’s almost undoubtedly the sound of a fist on glass. But no, it couldn’t be, what would someone’s motivation be to wake someone alone in their home? Think logically. If someone wanted to break in, why would they warn me with a knock? They would just break in, making a loud and obvious noise, or try to be as silent as possible. Why would they knock?
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[Photo via Tama66/Pixabay]
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