Previously: Jelangkung.
Note: Please don’t copy/paste or republish the text of this post on other websites without permission.
According to u/madethisfortaleden, who posted this game to Reddit in the waning months of 2017, the Snowman Ritual is old — very old, dating back to the 4th century CE — and originates in the area that’s now Ukraine and southern Russia. Given that the ritual was published to the r/NoSleep subreddit, however, it’s likely these details are fictional; indeed, it’s likely the entire ritual is fictional. But since the rules of NoSleep dictate that the suspension of disbelief is key for each and every tale posted there, we’ll follow those rules here too, and assume for the sake of the storytelling that it’s real.
The Snowman Ritual is meant to be a way to invite “peace and prosperity” into your home and life for the year to come — although it’s unclear whether the ritual generates peace and prosperity, or whether peace and prosperity is the prize granted to those who win the game. It feels more to me as if it’s the latter — although “winning” this game, so to speak, might be more difficult than you think. There are no tricks or strategies you can use to help you out once you’ve begun to play, you see; you’re about to be judged — judged, and determined to be worthy… or not.
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The original source states that the ritual, which takes four days and three nights to play, is traditionally “performed in the days between Christmas Eve (or the winter solstice) and New Year’s Day.” This context is a little hazy, though; whether the phrase “Christmas Eve (or the winter solstice)” equates Christmas Eve with the solstice, or whether it means that the ritual may be performed starting either on Christmas Eve or the solstice isn’t certain. I bring this up because Christmas Eve and the winter solstice don’t always fall on the same day: In the northern hemisphere, the 2019 winter solstice actually occurs the evening of Dec. 21, for example — a full three days prior to Christmas Eve. (And, of course, in the southern hemisphere, the solstice occurring on Dec. 21 isn’t the winter solstice at all; it’s the summer one.)
All of this is to say that you may need to adjust the timeframe in which you perform the ritual depending on the year and your own location. If you’re in the northern hemisphere in 2019, it’s recommended you perform it during any three-night period between Dec. 21 and the end of the year; since it’s meant to be a “kick the year off right” kind of thing, though, I’d suggest specifically performing it starting the evening of Dec. 29, 2019 (meaning the whole thing will conclude the morning of Jan. 1, 2020). If you’re in the southern hemisphere, though, you’ll have to wait until your own winter arrives. For the curious, the next winter solstice to occur south of the equator is on June 20, 2020.
Note, too, though, that you’ll have to take the weather into account. Indeed, u/ madethisfortaleden’s Reddit post notes that the ritual “should be effective during any cold period where there is sufficient snowfall.” If the weather report doesn’t call for cold enough temperatures and deep enough snow where you are at or around the solstice, Christmas Eve, or New Year’s Day, you might need to reschedule — and although it’s possible that you’d achieve best results during the period between the solstice and New Year’s Day, you can still give it a shot at any other time in which the weather conditions are right.
Not unlike many creatures that tend to roam at this time of year, your opponent in the Snowman Ritual isn’t likely to let you escape unscathed if you’re determined to be unworthy. Best not attempt this game unless you’re confident your behavior and conduct over the previous year has been exemplary.
As always, play at your own risk.
- One principal.
- Snow. At least three inches of ground cover is recommended.
- A clock or other time-keeping device.
- Two tree branches, each roughly arm-length.
- Two lengths of string, twine, or similar.
- Something that grew from the ground — a leaf, a blossom, a spray of pine needles, etc.
- Something that came from an animal — a feather, some fur, a piece of leather or hide, etc.
- A small amount of cooking oil — olive oil, coconut oil, canola oil, etc.
- A small amount of animal blood.
- A pin or needle.
- Scissors.
The First Night:
- Determine in advance precisely when you will perform the ritual. (See: Additional Notes.) Once you have made your decision, gather any and all supplies required to play. Keep these supplies prepared; be ready to begin as soon as the conditions are right.
- During the daylight hours on the date you have decided to begin, dress warmly, exit your home, and build a snowman somewhere on your property. It is recommended that the building site be as far away from your home as possible while still remaining on your land. Build the snowman at least as tall as yourself. Make sure it is facing away from your home.
- When the snowman’s head and body are complete, use the two tree branches to create its arms.
- Do NOT create a face for the snowman at this time.
- Go back inside. Warm up. Wait.
- When the sun begins to set, gather together the follow items from your stock of supplies: The item that grew from the ground, one of the two lengths of string, and the cooking oil. Dress warmly again and exit your home. Take these three items with you.
- Go to your snowman. Face it — or at least, position yourself such that you would be standing face to face with it, if only it had a face.
- Using the string, tie the item that grew from the ground to the snowman’s left hand.
- Dip your thumb into the cooking oil and push it lightly into the snowman’s face where its left eye should be.
- While you perform Steps 8 and 9, chant the following words: “Snowman, Snowman, see my land, hallowed soil on which we stand. Snowman, Snowman, bless my home. Guide me back if e’er I roam.”
- Go back inside. Lock any doors leading to the outside. Draw any and all curtains or otherwise block the windows. Warm up. Go about the rest of your evening as usual, but watch the clock.
- Make sure you are safely in bed well prior to midnight. Close your bedroom door behind you. Make sure the curtains are drawn.
- If you hear any noises outside during the night, stay in bed. Do NOT get up, and do NOT open the curtains. Do not rise until the sun is up.
- In the morning, look outside. Make note of the snowman’s location.
- If the snowman is where you built it: You may proceed.
- If the snowman is in a different place than where you built it: Proceed with caution.
- If the snowman is not present: Do not proceed. (For the significance of these outcomes and next steps that may be taken if necessary, see: Concerning The Snowman.)
The Second Night:
- When the sun begins to set, gather together the following from your stock of supplies: The item that came from an animal, the second length of string, and the animal blood. Dress warmly and exit your home. Take these three items with you.
- Go to your snowman and face it again.
- Using the string, tie the item that came from an animal to the snowman’s right hand.
- Dip your thumb into the animal blood and push it lightly into the snowman’s face where its right eye should be.
- While you perform Steps 3 and 4, chant the following words: “Snowman, Snowman, see my herd. Pet and cattle, fish and bird. Snowman, Snowman, bless my flock. Grow them grass from thorn and rock.”
- Go back inside. Lock any doors leading to the outside. Draw any and all curtains or otherwise block the windows. Warm up. Go about the rest of your evening as usual, but watch the clock.
- Make sure you are safely in bed well prior to midnight. Close your bedroom door behind you. Make sure the curtains are drawn.
- If you hear any noises in your home during the night, stay in bed. Do NOT get up, and do NOT open your bedroom door. Do not rise until the sun is up.
- In the morning, look outside. Make note of the snowman’s location.
- If the snowman is where you built it: You may proceed.
- If the snowman is in a different place than where you built it: Proceed with caution. In the event that you have pets, proceed with even more caution if you additionally find a small amount of water on the ground near any your pets’ belongings.
- If the snowman is not present: Do not proceed. (For the significance of these outcomes and next steps that may be taken if necessary, see: Concerning The Snowman.)
The Third Night:
- When the sun begins to set, gather together the remaining items from your stock of supplies: The pin or needle, and the scissors. (Be sure to sterilize the pin or needle.) Dress warmly and exit your home. Take these two items with you.
- Go to your snowman and face it one last time.
- Using the pin or needle, prick your finger until you draw blood. With this finger, press a horizontal line onto the snowman’s face where its mouth should be.
- Using the scissors, cut a lock of hair from your own head and press it into the snowman’s newly-created mouth. Hold it there until it freezes in place. Do not allow a single strand to drop from the snowman’s mouth.
- While you perform Steps 3 and 4, chant the following words: “Snowman, Snowman, see my breath, drawing ever unto death. Snowman, Snowman, bless my heart. Judge me whole and hence depart.”
- Go back inside. Lock any doors leading to the outside. Draw any and all curtains or otherwise block the windows. Warm up. Go about the rest of your evening as usual, but watch the clock.
- Make sure you are safely in bed well prior to midnight. Close your bedroom door behind you. Make sure the curtains are drawn.
- If you feel a sudden drop in temperature during the night, stay in bed. Do NOT get up, and do NOT open your eyes. Do not rise until the sun is up.
- In the morning, make note of the snowman’s location — if you are able to do so.
- If the snowman is where you built it: You may proceed.
- If you are unable to make note of the snowman’s location: You may find it… difficult to proceed. (For the significance of these outcomes, see: Concerning The Snowman.)
- If you are able to make note of the snowman’s location and therefore able to proceed, complete the ritual by performing the following actions: Dress warmly, exit your home, approach your snowman from behind, and proceed to destroy it as completely as possible. Remove the tree branches and snap them to pieces. Break apart the snowballs forming the snowman’s head and body and kick the snow away. Remove any and all traces of the snowman from your property.
- DO NOT speak at any time during the snowman’s destruction. Do NOT face the snowman at any time during its destruction.
- The snowman must be destroyed before the sun begins to set.
- By the time you’re done, it should look as if there had never been a snowman there at all.
Additional Notes:
The ritual may be played in any environment, as long as the weather conditions are correct. House-dwellers may build their snowman in their yard or elsewhere on their property. Apartment- or condo-dwellers may build their snowman anywhere there is space on the grounds of their building or complex. Rural or suburban locations may see better results, purely due to the fact that they are less likely to experience disruptions from exterior sources during the course of the game.
Make your choice of when to perform the ritual carefully. Consult the calendar; check the weather report. Look for a three- to four-day period during which the weather will be at or below freezing, with at least three inches of snow on the ground. The day of or immediately following a fresh snowfall is ideal. Best results may be achieved if these conditions are met specifically during the period between the winter solstice and New Year’s Day.
Concerning The Snowman:
On the morning following the first night, the significance of the snowman’s location is as follows:
- If the snowman is where you built it: Your home has been judged worthy. It will be kept safe and well in the coming year.
- If the snowman is in a different place than where you built it: Your home has largely been judged worthy, but keep an eye on this specific location moving forwards. It may suffer damage or play host to an unfortunate incident in the coming year.
- If the snowman is not present: Your home has not been judged worthy. Do NOT continue the ritual. Move to a new home as soon as possible.
On the morning following the second night, the significance of the snowman’s location is as follows:
- If the snowman is where you built it: Any animals currently in your care have been judged worthy. They will be kept safe and healthy in the coming year.
- If the snowman is in a different place than where you built it: Any animals currently in your care have largely been judged worthy, but keep an eye on them moving forwards. They may require additional care in the coming year.
- If the snowman is not present: Any animals in your care have not been judged worthy. Do NOT continue the ritual. Care for your animals as well as you can in the time they have left — what little there is.
On the morning following the third night, the significance of the snowman’s location is as follows:
- If the snowman is where you built it: Your soul has been judged worthy. You will be kept safe and sound in the coming year. Peace and prosperity will be yours… until calendar ticks over to the following year, of course.
- If you are unable to make note of the snowman’s location: It is unknown what precisely might render a player unable to make note of the snowman’s location. There has never been enough left of such players to find out.
Please don’t copy or republish this post on other sites. Linking to it or sharing the URL is fine (and encouraged!), as is writing your own unique version of the game, but copying/pasting, republishing, or otherwise reproducing the text of this piece in its entirety or near-entirety on other websites without permission isn’t.
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[Photo via Web Trooper/Pixabay]