Previously: The Wall.
Note: Please don’t copy/paste or republish the text of this post on other websites without permission.
It’s unclear from whence the Halloween Mirror Ritual originally came. The only versions of it I’ve been able to find, the oldest of which dates to early 2014, are written in Indonesian; however, given the fact that each and every one of these versions contains English phrases which must be spoken during the game, with parentheticals translating their meaning into Indonesian, it’s likely the game was originally written by a native English speaker. Even if that’s the case, though, it seems to have been completely eliminated from the English language internet.
I find that… curious.
Even if this particular ritual errs more on the side of fakelore than folklore, there are a lot of actual folk rituals involving mirrors that are meant to be played around Halloween. Most of them were said to reveal to you who you would marry. One instructed players to slice an apple into nine slices and eat it while looking into a mirror; another told players to comb their hair while eating the apple and looking into the mirror; and yet another challenged players to walk backwards up the stairs while looking into a mirror. If the ritual was successful, you would see who your future spouse was reflected back at you in the mirror’s surface… or you might see a skull.
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If you saw a skull, you were destined to die before you married anyone at all.
(The staircase version, by the way, is also believed to be a precursor to Bloody Mary, so do with that what you will.)
The Halloween Mirror Ritual won’t necessarily tell you who you’ll be partnered with for life; it might, though. In fact, it might tell you a lot of things, if you play it successfully.
But there’s a cost for failure, of course.
There always is.
As always, play at your own risk.
- One principal.
- A small mirror.
- Salt.
- Candles.
- Matches or a lighter.
- A small item made from pure, yellow gold. This item is you offering. Choose it carefully; you will not be getting it back.
- A timer.
- A quiet, dark room in a quiet, dark building. The building must be equipped with either a basement or an additional large mirror.
The Prelude:
- Wait until Oct. 31.
- On Oct. 31, bring your supplies to the quiet, dark room in your chosen building. If there are windows in the room, draw the curtains or otherwise block or cover them up. Turn off or extinguish any and all sources of light. Also turn off, unplug, or remove the batteries from anything capable of making noise, including phones and watches.
- Begin precisely at 9pm.
- Place the mirror face-up on the ground.
- Sprinkle a small amount of salt across the surface of the mirror.
- Place the candle nearby and light it.
- Look into the mirror. Don’t look at you own reflection, though; look behind your reflection. What do you see?
- If you see nothing: The ritual has failed. Do not proceed. Extinguish the candle, blow away the salt, and turn on the lights. You may try again another time.
- If you see a dark figure: The ritual has succeeded. You may proceed. However, do NOT speak, make noise, turn around, or make any indication that you have seen this figure. Do NOT let him know that you know he’s there.
- Smash the mirror to pieces.
The Main Event:
- Set your timer for 30 minutes.
- Carefully pick up the largest piece of the broken mirror.
- In your other hand, pick up the candle and the offering of gold.
- Hold the mirror up such that, by looking into it, you can see behind you as you walk forward.
- Leave the room. Using the candle to light your way, travel throughout the building. Keep one eye on the mirror as you go. Do NOT drop the mirror. Do NOT drop the gold. Do NOT drop the candle or allow it to go out.
- Do not look away from the mirror.
- If you see the dark shadow appear behind you in the mirror, run. Run until you can no longer see him in the mirror. Run as fast as you can — but do NOT let the candle go out.
- Continue traveling throughout the building in this manner until 30 minutes have passed.
The Ending:
- When the timer goes off after 30 minutes, quickly make your way to the lowest point in the building, ideally a basement or cellar. If the building does not have a basement or cellar, go to the largest mirror in the building and stand before it.
- Drop the broken piece of mirror at your feet.
- In one hand, hold the gold offering out before you; in the other, keep hold of the candle. Speak the following words aloud: “I have evaded you for so long, for you have been merciful to allow me to do so.”
- Extinguish the candle and close your eyes. Reach the hand holding the gold as far out as you can. Speak the following words aloud: “As payment, receive this piece of gold.”
- Drop the gold at your feet.
- Keep your eyes closed.
- Wait.
- If you begin to feel a cold, heavy pressure inside your mind, you may open your eyes. If you have made it this far, you will see him standing before you. You may speak with now, if you wish; you may ask him anything you desire — from information you seek to a wish you long to be granted. He will answer you. He must answer you.
- After you have finished speaking with him, stay where you are. Sleep, if you can. Remain in place until the sun has risen. When it is high in the sky, you may depart.
- Congratulations — you’ve won.
Additional Notes:
This game may ONLY be played on Oct. 31. Do NOT attempt to play it any other time.
The offering MUST be made of pure, yellow gold. Do not use any other color of gold. Do not use gold alloys.
Do NOT attempt to leave the building at any point before the completion of the game.
Concerning The Final Steps:
If you do not feel a cold and heavy pressure in your mind…
…something has gone wrong.
Something has failed.
Did you allow the candle to go out?
Did you fail to run fast enough?
Was your offering not to his liking?
What have you done?
Whatever it is, it has angered him.
You may try throwing a small amount of salt over your shoulder — but be warned: It is not guaranteed to be effective.
If it is not…
…You’d best keep running.
The Halloween Mirror Ritual: FAQ.
Please don’t copy or republish this post on other sites. Linking to it or sharing the URL is fine (and encouraged!), as is writing your own unique version of the game, but copying/pasting, republishing, or otherwise reproducing the text of this piece in its entirety or near-entirety on other websites without permission isn’t.
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[Photo available under a CC BY 2.0 Creative Commons license via Tim Sheerman-Chase/Flickr]