Hello, Gentle Readers! It is another holiday weekend here, so I am taking today off. We'll be back on Wednesday with a fun new Creepypasta Of The Week, though, so check back in a few days from now; Continue Reading > about Enjoying The Spooky Season (By Taking A Day Off)
Happy 1st Book Birthday, ‘Dangerous Games To Play In The Dark!’
Hello, friends! Exactly one year ago today (that's Sept. 3, if you're still keeping track), my book, Dangerous Games To Play In The Dark: A Guide To Summoning Spirits, Divining The Future, And Continue Reading > about Happy 1st Book Birthday, ‘Dangerous Games To Play In The Dark!’
A Long Weekend (And A Short Film)
Hello, friends! I'm taking today off, so no longform post today. We'll be back on Wednesday (that's July 8, for those keeping track) with a new Most Dangerous Game, so check back in a few days for Continue Reading > about A Long Weekend (And A Short Film)
Sleepless Nights
Hey gang, I'm taking a rare sick day today (nothing major; I'm just recovering from an abnormally bad insomnia attack which has left me... let's call it "not firing on all cylinders" today), so no Continue Reading > about Sleepless Nights
A Day Of Rest
Hello, Gentle Readers! Everything is A Lot right now, so I am giving myself the gift of a day off today. To keep you occupied in the meantime, I offer forth a series of short films Ari Aster Continue Reading > about A Day Of Rest
A Day To Recharge
Hey gang, I very rarely take federal holidays or long weekends off, but today, I'm doing just that. (It's Washington's birthday/President's Day in the United States, for anyone who's either located Continue Reading > about A Day To Recharge
A Holiday Break
Hello, Gentle Readers! As has become tradition, I’m heading out of town for a few weeks for the holidays. Fear not, though — we’ll keep publishing during this time, albeit on a lighter schedule Continue Reading > about A Holiday Break
Halloween Giveaway: Win A Signed Copy Of ‘Dangerous Games To Play In The Dark!’
Halloween is in just a few days, so here's a treat to go along with your tricks: I have another signed, hardcover copy of Dangerous Games To Play In The Dark to give away! For the chance to take it Continue Reading > about Halloween Giveaway: Win A Signed Copy Of ‘Dangerous Games To Play In The Dark!’