Previously: Gnome Gnome Come. Note: Please don’t copy/paste or republish the text of this post on other websites without permission. Originally posted to the r/ThreeKings subreddit, the ritual Continue Reading > about The Most Dangerous Games: The Alice Game
The Most Dangerous Games: Gnome Gnome Come (гном гном прийти)
Previously: Salt Magic Ritual. Note: Please don’t copy/paste or republish the text of this post on other websites without permission. The first time I encountered the Russian summoning game Continue Reading > about The Most Dangerous Games: Gnome Gnome Come (гном гном прийти)
The Most Dangerous Games: The Letter Ritual
Previously: How To See Your Guardian Spirit. Note: Please don’t copy/paste or republish the text of this post on other websites without permission. Are you looking for someone? Someone you Continue Reading > about The Most Dangerous Games: The Letter Ritual
The Most Dangerous Games: The Greedy Baron Game
Previously: The Snowman Ritual. Note: Please don’t copy/paste or republish the text of this post on other websites without permission. Per Redditor u/ViciousKrimson, who posted this game to Continue Reading > about The Most Dangerous Games: The Greedy Baron Game
The Most Dangerous Games: The Snowman Ritual
Previously: Jelangkung. Note: Please don’t copy/paste or republish the text of this post on other websites without permission. According to u/madethisfortaleden, who posted this game to Reddit Continue Reading > about The Most Dangerous Games: The Snowman Ritual
Creepypasta Of The Week: “Happy Sun Daycare”
Previously: “Movie Buff.” Published to the Creepypasta Wikia by user Chelsea.adams.524 in 2014, “Happy Sun Daycare” bears a lot in common with the real-life fiasco that was the Salt Lake City Continue Reading > about Creepypasta Of The Week: “Happy Sun Daycare”
Creepypasta Of The Week: “WTF Is Going On In Pinal County, Arizona??” (Or, The Arizona Outbreak Scare)
Previously: "Three Friends Diner." On Nov. 10, 2014, a post appeared on the r/NoSleep subreddit titled simply, "WTF is going on in Pinal county, Arizona??". These days, though, the story told Continue Reading > about Creepypasta Of The Week: “WTF Is Going On In Pinal County, Arizona??” (Or, The Arizona Outbreak Scare)
The Most Dangerous Games: The Eye In The Shadows
Previously: In The Eye Of The Giant. Note: Please don’t copy/paste or republish the text of this post on other websites without permission. I can’t tell you who’s responsible for the Continue Reading > about The Most Dangerous Games: The Eye In The Shadows