Previously: Palmistry. I have only had my tea leaves read once. I was a teenager visiting New Orleans in the early 2000s, so obviously I had to go to the Bottom Of The Cup specifically for a Continue Reading > about How Does It Work?: Reading Tea Leaves, Pareidolia, And The Imprecise Art Of Tasseography
Search Results for: how does it work
How Does It Work?: Palmistry, Or, How To Hold The Future In The Palm of Your Hand
Previously: Tarot Cards. I couldn’t tell you when I learned that palm-reading existed; due in large part, I think, to the kinds of stories I developed an interest in at an early age, knowledgeable Continue Reading > about How Does It Work?: Palmistry, Or, How To Hold The Future In The Palm of Your Hand
How Does It Work?: The Stone Tape Theory, Residual Hauntings, And The Deep Influence Of Memory And Emotion
Previously: Spirit Photography. Here’s a term I hadn’t heard until fairly recently: The “stone tape theory.” “Huh,” I thought. “What’s the stone tape theory? How does it work? Is it new? Maybe I’m Continue Reading > about How Does It Work?: The Stone Tape Theory, Residual Hauntings, And The Deep Influence Of Memory And Emotion
How Does Automatic Writing Work? Motor Automatism And The Unconscious Mind
Previously: Dowsing And The Power Of Expectation. We’ve all seen scenes in movies or read about them in books where someone drifts off, daydreaming, only look down and find they’ve written or drawn Continue Reading > about How Does Automatic Writing Work? Motor Automatism And The Unconscious Mind
How Does Dowsing Work? Water Witching And The Power Of Expectation
Previously: Spirit Boxes And Auditory Pareidolia. Weirdly enough, the first time I encountered the concept of dowsing was in a manga I first read about 20 years ago — and I say “weirdly” because Continue Reading > about How Does Dowsing Work? Water Witching And The Power Of Expectation
Creepypasta Of The Week: “The Company I Work For Has A Wonderful Christmas Tradition”
Previously: “Doorless Chambers.” Who’s up for a little holiday party? A gathering of friends, or family, or colleagues? A chance to eat, drink, and be merry? Well, whatever your party-going Continue Reading > about Creepypasta Of The Week: “The Company I Work For Has A Wonderful Christmas Tradition”
Abandoned: The Colorful Ruins Of The Decatur Waterworks, Georgia
Previously: Yongma Land, South Korea. To the northeast of Atlanta, not too far outside of the city proper, lies the city of Decatur, Georgia. It’s not a large city; as of the April 2020 census, it Continue Reading > about Abandoned: The Colorful Ruins Of The Decatur Waterworks, Georgia
What Happened To Crow 64? Decoding The ‘Catastrophe Crow’ ARG & The N64 Game That Doesn’t Exist
Previously: "Internet Story" And The Horror Of Real Life. Every video game system and console has its fair share of unreleased, unfinished, and cancelled games. That’s just the way the proverbial Continue Reading > about What Happened To Crow 64? Decoding The ‘Catastrophe Crow’ ARG & The N64 Game That Doesn’t Exist